On being fatphobic

So I've returned to this thread after almost a week and was surprised to see this unfold into a discussion. Actually, I've been keeping up with all these posts here for a while, lol.

I made this thread to vent about some students in my high school. I wasn't very fond of my classmates, to begin with, as they tended to do things that still leave an awful taste in my mouth to this day. But when I overheard the conversation during break last Thursday, I wasn't sure what to make of it. I knew what they said sounded wrong; it annoyed and distracted me while I was trying to finish some work. But I felt conflicted, and I wanted to know: was it, really?

From what I've seen here, it was after all. I think the consensus here is that we can strive to be better (or healthy on the topic of bodies), but there are some things about ourselves that we simply cannot change at all. As an example, I am on the autism spectrum and there is no cure for it. That's why more people who are different and stigmatized are advocating (and should continue to advocate) for acceptance in society.

About TikTok: I won’t say too much about it, but I was also pretty wary of the video itself as that platform already has a bad rep. I agree with what @/Chris said though. When well-intentioned activism turns violent, we’re in big trouble.

It’s very unusual for me to create a thread about topics like this one, but it had to be done. If not, I would’ve gotten stressed about it for a long time. Thank you all for providing your input, it truly means a lot to me. :)

I love you all for speaking your mind and being open about your own situations and experiences! I mean... literally, I love you!

In the previous posts, I have seen a couple of comments that say, basically, they are holding back.

Go ahead and elaborate... post your essays... this is very meaningful stuff!
Haha, I couldn't have said it better!
Also wanted to say…I’m sure many others have expressed this, but openly discriminating against people for their weight is seen as more “acceptable” by a lot of people, compared to racism, homophobia, etc. as weight is viewed as a “choice.” (I don’t agree with this. It’s the reasoning a lot of people use.)

I also hate how people are like, “don’t be rude about their weight— they have a medical condition/overeat due to trauma, etc..”
Like…you don’t need a tragic reason to be nice. Whether someone has one or not, it’s none of your business. You don’t owe anyone your medical history to be treated fairly.
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Also wanted to say…I’m sure many others have expressed this, but openly discriminating against people for their weight is seen as more “acceptable” by a lot of people, compared to racism, homophobia, etc. as weight is viewed as a “choice.” (I don’t agree with this. It’s the reasoning a lot of people use.)

I also hate how people are like, “don’t be rude about their weight— they have a medical condition/overeat due to trauma, etc..”
Like…you don’t need a tragic reason to be nice. Whether someone has one or not, it’s none of your business. You don’t owe anyone your medical history to be treated fairly.
I know this was well intended but I really don't think we should put the idea out there that being fatphobic is seen as more acceptable than being homophobic or racist, especially considering our rights pretty much depend on what politician is elected at the given moment
I know this was well intended but I really don't think we should put the idea out there that being fatphobic is seen as more acceptable than being homophobic or racist, especially considering our rights pretty much depend on what politician is elected at the given moment
Thank you for pointing that out. I will definitely be more careful with what I say.
I remember there was this one time where my church played a video a few years ago where there was a mom who fat-shamed her young daughter at a store, and there was a guy who called the mom out for it, and I was thinking, "yeah, preach it, dude!"

Fat-shaming sucks.
I definitely have information to add to this discussion as commenting on other peoples bodies is very harmful but it triggered a memory that I want to share.

A few weeks ago, a girl in my class at the end of the day was eating fries and I asked her what she was eating “because it looked so good!” And she told me fries and she asked me what I “normally eat”, everyone knows I love vegetables so I said “oh haha normally salads, *checks watch* I‘m leaving soon so I’ll see you tomorrow! Enjoy your food!” And she yelled at me and said I was “calling her big” and everyone else in class kept making fun of me and calling me fatphobic-