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Old West themes?


In Colorado, under my cats rule.
Jan 21, 2023
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I know I could google "Western themed ideas", but I prefer to ask all of you in this community!

Have any of you made an island that incorporates an Old West Theme? For example Covered Wagons, Store Fronts, etc...those are obvious, but it is the little details I am looking for!

I am looking for ideas and would love to see what you may have done with the theme!
I'm not too fond of Old West themes, other than saloons and shoot-out duels, but... definitely add a saloon and a shoot-out scene. 😁 Throw tumbleweeds here and there (if they're still around in NH) and maybe add a hangman's platform at the plaza?? 😳😳 Oh and definitely a jail cell. ⛓⛓ Maybe have a John Wayne marathon and take some notes! 📺🤠🍿 Or play the arcade game Sunset Riders. It has an awesome opening intro. 😎



I have some Western areas on one of my islands.It looks more like a movie set than an actual Old West town but I was sort of playing with the theme to see what it would look like.
I don't have any old west themes on my island but I did make one on HHP for Boone, since that's what he asked for, lol.


The outside isn't the greatest but I did make this in 2022.


I made the inside like the typical Hollywood saloon towns and where the duel scenes take place. It's small and compact but I think it'd look pretty cool on a bigger scale outside.


Then I created a back alley for fun purposes.

If you want to convert your villager houses to fit the western theme, I made their upstairs portion into a saloon.



Maybe use the Sand path terraforming feature to create deserts or arid areas? I have used termite mounds (Bug Off award) and acanthostegas create arid areas on my old island. Cacti, of course, are more preferred than trees so you might want them and start deforestation.
I don't have any old west themes on my island but I did make one on HHP for Boone, since that's what he asked for, lol.


The outside isn't the greatest but I did make this in 2022.


I made the inside like the typical Hollywood saloon towns and where the duel scenes take place. It's small and compact but I think it'd look pretty cool on a bigger scale outside.


Then I created a back alley for fun purposes.

If you want to convert your villager houses to fit the western theme, I made their upstairs portion into a saloon.



What? I didn't know villagers could have an upstairs?!?

I made the inside like the typical Hollywood saloon towns and where the duel scenes take place. It's small and compact but I think it'd look pretty cool on a bigger scale outside
So, Pyoopi, you have almost exactly what I am looking to create. I LOVE the use of castle walls.

I am a huge fan of Clint Eastwood Westerns and I took this picture from his movie "Fistful of Dollars". This is what I hope to recreate (on a much smaller scale)


I think the castle walls can be used for the mansion at the end, and store fronts for the buildings on the sides.

Anyone have any ideas on how to make this happen on an island? I think I can come up with some ideas, but I learned that most of you are more creative than I am, so I would love your ideas!