Need help with something i'm doing


Senior Member
Nov 13, 2008
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Alright, i'm currently making a picture, unlike my speed drawings (which I usually ALWAYS do), i'm going to be putting full effort into this, right now i'm in the stage of drawing the picture (after i'm done i'm going to try to scan it, and then use paint to make it look better), however i'm having some trouble with clothing, like wrinkles in the clothing, i've always had trouble with this and I could use some tips from other artists here...
Also when i'm done I might make a censored version of it so I can post it here on TBT to show you guys.
First off, I reccommend using Gimp/Photoshop to edit. Paint stinks, a lot.
Second, draw a circle to represent where the light source is coming from. That helps a lot when shading it.
AverageSean said:
First off, I reccommend using Gimp/Photoshop to edit. Paint stinks, a lot.
Second, draw a circle to represent where the light source is coming from. That helps a lot when shading it.
^This. So you basically want to add effects to a picture? I could show you how to do some effects I use with signatures on GIMP.
Nono not effects, I just want to use paint to color it better and stuff so it doesn't look like it was drawn on paper, and I don't want to add a whole lot of shading either.
Megamannt125 said:
Nono not effects, I just want to use paint to color it better and stuff so it doesn't look like it was drawn on paper, and I don't want to add a whole lot of shading either.
Hm... well I don't recommend Paint if you want to make it look better, it'll make it look meh IMO. But yeah, I recommend GIMP if you're looking to edit images.
Megamannt125 said:
Alright, i'm currently making a picture, unlike my speed drawings (which I usually ALWAYS do), i'm going to be putting full effort into this, right now i'm in the stage of drawing the picture (after i'm done i'm going to try to scan it, and then use paint to make it look better), however i'm having some trouble with clothing, like wrinkles in the clothing, i've always had trouble with this and I could use some tips from other artists here...
Also when i'm done I might make a censored version of it so I can post it here on TBT to show you guys.
What kind of clothing are you planning on? Something that needs to be censored usally doesn't have much or any clothing at all.
*me thinks mega's attempting to draw his own hentai* > _ >

i bet ur sexual body parts are gonna look ridiculously enlarged or demented or maybe even both! -.-
He's probably use to it ;) (? xD)
But that's just Mega :D
It'd be awkward if his mum came in though o-o

If he liives with her