My villagers never talk to eachother or do anything :c

Feb 12, 2014
Arcade Tokens
It's annoying, I see people on here and tumblr uploading Screencaps of funny and cute conversations and stuff. But I have honestly never seen them talk to eachother, it Just makes me sad becuase I want interesting stuff to happen :c
it's very rare for me to see them talking! i remember in wild world they'd initiate conversation just by glancing at each other, haha. stick around when you see two villagers walking around and you might be lucky!
if you're desperate to see your villagers talk, just go to any part of your town where villagers cant see you, and stay idle for 2-6 minutes, then walk to the most crowded area. you might see two of your villagers talking! i found this out when trying to do the PWP trick without the wetsuit.
I get villagers talking to each other easily but it might be b/c of what mayormako said. I leave my AC idle while I'm on the laptop. lol!
Yeah, I have only seen two of my villagers talk to each other once. Never seen any of them arguing with each other or sitting on a bench next to each other though.
Sometimes I saw them walking nearby, and the moment I pass by, they would either be angry of whatever they just chat and one of them will walk away happily =3= I always miss it...