Retired Staff
Guess what? Today, I filled up half of my museum. I have all the fossils and paintings. I only need 5-7 more fish, and around 20 insects.
The more rarer ones like Colecanth, Arowana, Giant Snakehead, Arapaima, Giant Catfish, and I need and Angelfish. I think that is all.BASTOISE99 said:What fish do you need?
I know. Well, at least I'll still be playing then.BASTOISE99 said:Thats unlucky though. You have to wait until summer to complete it.
Don't worry, I will be.BASTOISE99 said:Remember though, its ways away. Hopefully you'll still be playing in the summer.
I have before, but it was only a little while once I had gotten a ton of games.BASTOISE99 said:Thats good, I stopped for a little while at one time.
I thought you would, being the gamer that you are.BASTOISE99 said:I know what you mean.
That is true. I do that a lot of times.BASTOISE99 said:If you are bogged down with a bunch of new stuff you just want to play those games alot. But once they settle in then you slowly go back to your old ones.