My First Custom Sprite!

Propaganda Man

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2005
Sautéed Mushrooms

It is basic but it is my first one! What do you think?
I also think that you just swore, and by the way you type and think, or too young to swear. I also think you should be suspended.
BAMBAM! said:


Here is my real one.
If you made that, then that's pretty good for a first try!

:eh: :eh: :eh: :eh: :eh: :eh: :eh: :eh:
you still coppied, you cant just draw over someone elses work and call it your own... you need to make it absolutly from scratch



well, i give you credit for sideways, you seem to have done that on your own, but forward and backward are the same thing. wasn't next to it, its got the exact same features, every one, you just recolored it, and got rid of the face
PIRANHA2 said: wasn't next to it, its got the exact same features, every one, you just recolored it, and got rid of the face
and it was! the head is the hardest part and I used it as an example for when I painted it!

RIIIIGHT. I find it very odd that they have the exact same shape.
No they don't The body is different! I said I used it as a guide I had it next to the one I made when i made it! The heads are really hard to do and I needed some help!
BAMBAM! said:
No they don't The body is different! I said I used it as a guide I had it next to the one I made when i made it! The heads are really hard to do and I needed some help!
the fact is, you coppied it and said you didn't... you obviously used atleast the head, you can tell by the insides of the ears, exactly the same, just a diffrent color. and you took a little chunk out at the edge to try to hide it, dont forget that its blurred in exacly the same spots, you wouldn't blur it on your own either...

BOYCOTT TIME!!!! :yes:
BAMBAM! said:
I did not copy it and the blured look beter then when I didn't! I didn't copy it!
you need to stop lieing... i opened it in paint, the shadings on the mouse were exactly the same as Rizzo (the one you coppied) tried to cover it up too, you got rid of the shading right next to him so it looked like you made it, you missed the ears by the way :|

STOP STEALING, seriously... you need to stop taking things and acting like you made them... you have lost all of my trust just now.