My cat just threw up on my PS2!!!1!


Retired Staff
Feb 3, 2005
Out of all the places for it to throw up, why on my PS2?!? :mad: Now it smells

:blink: And trust me, this isn't one of those truth or dare things, this actually happened. I wonder if it will still work. I think it will because it didn't touch the circuitry. I won't be touching this thing for weeks. :|
Read the small font.

<small><small><small>If I were a cat I would throw up on a PS2 also.</small></small></small>
Read the small font.

<small><small><small>If I were a cat I would throw up on a PS2 also.</small></small></small>
personally if i were a cat, i'd poop on an xbox.
[quote="] Out of all the places for it to throw up, why on my PS2?!? :mad: Now it smells

:blink: And trust me, this isn't one of those truth or dare things, this actually happened. I wonder if it will still work. I think it will because it didn't touch the circuitry. I won't be touching this thing for weeks. :| [/quote]




ROFL!!! haha :lol: well i can bearly play my dads PS2 becase its at his house and i only go over there about 1 every 2 weeks and when ever i go over there some1 else wants to play it so >_<
Read the small font.

<small><small><small>If I were a cat I would throw up on a PS2 also.</small></small></small>
Same here. PS2's eat poo. (And barf apparently)
i love the PS2 and my GCN, but, its not funny if a cat throws up on a PS2, for 1,it costs alot.2, its gross.3. i have no reson


But yea, what if a cat threw up on your gamecube? I would feel the same way