Migraine remedies?


slave to the vaporwave
Nov 15, 2016
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Does anyone have any solutions to migraines? I get them all the time and sometimes they can get incredibly debilitating. The only thing that helps is a lot of caffeine, but it doesn't always work. :(

Also I can't go to the doctor for it cuz no insurance, so that's not an option right now.
Lavender Oil, Peppermint Oil, and Basil Oil are all good for treating headaches! You can apply a few drops to your temples, the sides and bridge of your nose, and your neck.
Two to four drops for every two to three cups of boiling water are recommended when inhaling oil vapors as a headache treatment.
Try resting alot , dont look at PC , Televsion or Phone screens too close , try avoiding lights , sleep and overall:
Try not using more than 1 aspires or whatever you are taking . Trust me , last time i took two to try to kill a Migraine and i felt even worse. 1 is enough .

I feel you , im getting migraines since late 2014 :c. Luckily last migraine for me was in July 2016
I used to get really horrible migraines too, now they're not nearly as bad and are just "regular" headaches, but it can still be quite awful. What usually helps me is drinking lots of water slowly (as in small sips over time) and taking whatever painkillers I need, depending on the severity, but immediately going to bed after taking them is usually the best remedy for me personally. I know everyone's different, but I find that strong fragrances like perfumes and other things actually make it a lot worse, and that in itself gives me really bad nausea when I've got a headache. Then again, sometimes actually being able to throw up helps too if you're feeling nauseous with it, but I know that's not exactly a fun experience or even a good suggestion lol.

Definitely avoid screens of any sort, and block off any harsh light sources, like pulling over the blinds or curtains if it's sunny outside. I hope you can find something that works for you. :(
I feel you. It's horrible. I can get them for weeks at a time.

Usually I take an over the counter pain reliever. I start with ibeprofuen wait two hours, take an acetomeniphen, then two more hours and repeat.

Caffeine does help to, but not always.

I also use a lot of peppermint oil. For me it doesn't remove the migraine, but it takes the edge off of it. If you get the chance to just lay in a dark room with a cool cloth.

Lastly, I find taking a hot shower and steaming up the bathroom. The steam helps too I find
My favorite remedy for really bad migraines is just taking a nice and hot bubble bath. Go to Walmart or some other cheap store and look around for a bubble bath that has a calming scent to you. I always find that grabbing my little bluetooth speaker and playing some really nice classical or instrumental music while I bathe is so calming and the heat of the bath really calms my headaches.

For me, a lot of my head issues stem from my bad bone issues so I've found that going to a chiropractor has helped with the headaches. I go to a really cheap, chain chiropractor so it doesn't have to be expensive and can have really lasting benefits to you if you feel like your pain might be from an alignment issue (a lot of headaches are actually caused by neck/back problems!). Worth checking out if your migraines get too unbearable.
Caffeine pill + tylenol, take both at the same time. Take pills as soon as you feel your migraine coming on or when you get auras. It's more effective at stopping pain when you take it earlier.

Too much caffeine gives you rebound headaches with withdrawal, you need to cut back on daily consumption.

Stay hydrated.

Wear sunglasses inside when in public if you're sensitive to lights. I also wear a blindfold mask thing when I sleep sometimes.

Nausea drink ginger ale
Caffeine pill + tylenol, take both at the same time. Take pills as soon as you feel your migraine coming on or when you get auras. It's more effective at stopping pain when you take it earlier.

Too much caffeine gives you rebound headaches with withdrawal, you need to cut back on daily consumption.

Stay hydrated.

Wear sunglasses inside when in public if you're sensitive to lights. I also wear a blindfold mask thing when I sleep sometimes.

Nausea drink ginger ale

I've definitely learned to act when I feel it coming on. I usually think I'm just being a baby, but then it gets worse and pain relievers don't work at that point.
I've had chronic migraines since I was 4 y/o due to frequent fluid build up in the back of my neck (cervical spine area), so I totally know what you mean. Especially the feeling of doom when the symptoms of an oncoming migraine appear. It's the worst, it's like you got a tornado warning 0.2 seconds before it hits you - no time to fully prepare or prevent.

I haven't tried this yet, but I plan to soon:

There is supposed to be a piercing that helps with migraines a lot, if you're not against those. The article is located right HERE.
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I've had chronic migraines since I was 4 y/o due to frequent fluid build up in the back of my neck (cervical spine area), so I totally know what you mean. Especially the feeling of doom when the symptoms of an oncoming migraine appear. It's the worst, it's like you got a tornado warning 0.2 seconds before it hits you - no time to fully prepare or prevent.

I haven't tried this yet, but I plan to soon:

There is supposed to be a piercing that helps with migraines a lot, if you're not against those. The article is located right HERE.

I have that piercing in one ear. It helped a little I find but doesn't eliminate it completely
Have someone massage your scalp. Temples, occipital, and crown areas. Also, around the base of the neck helps too.
Go to bed and sleep.

Ultimately, the best thing to do would be to try and prevent migraines in the first place. Can you think of anything which may be triggering them such as stress?
I've had chronic migraines since I was 4 y/o due to frequent fluid build up in the back of my neck (cervical spine area), so I totally know what you mean. Especially the feeling of doom when the symptoms of an oncoming migraine appear. It's the worst, it's like you got a tornado warning 0.2 seconds before it hits you - no time to fully prepare or prevent.

I haven't tried this yet, but I plan to soon:

There is supposed to be a piercing that helps with migraines a lot, if you're not against those. The article is located right HERE.

How cool is that! I'm definitely going to look into getting one, if not just because it looks cool. :p

And oh yeah, I'm glad someone else gets it. I get scared too.
I've heard about an earring that supposedly prevents migraines. Its called a daith piercing, you should check it out.
Go to bed and sleep.

Ultimately, the best thing to do would be to try and prevent migraines in the first place. Can you think of anything which may be triggering them such as stress?

I have thought about it a ot, and they really seem to just be random. It doesn't seem to be related to anything I've been eating, and sometimes when I'm stressed to the max my head is fine. So I dunno, man. :(
I have heard that placing a wet clean washcloth over your forehead usually helps. Stay away from a lot of noise and bright lights.
As weird as this sounds, it could be something you're eating. What triggers a migraine is different for everybody. You might want to try switching your diet around to see if that's the problem.

disclaimer: not a doctor