Michael Jackson?

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Senior Member
Jan 10, 2010
Sautéed Mushrooms
I was just wondering is anybody a michael jackson fan on Tbt?

Me personally, i think his music was good, but i never was a great fan.

But recently i came across a picture of my aunt with Michael Jackson, i thought it was pretty cool she knew him!

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>My aunt with michael jackson</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">

&& well it made me wonder, what you guys think of him & his music.
I am back! I didn't really die by the way. I'm living on the moon with Elvis.
4 users reading this topic
Members: Lecksi, Smartysaar, Michael Jackson, pokeboy


I was never a huge fan of him, but I did like his work.
Michael Jackson said:
I am back! I didn't really die by the way. I'm living on the moon with Elvis.
I bet this is the same person who made the Jessi Slaughter account lol XD
Lecksi said:
4 users reading this topic
Members: Lecksi, Smartysaar, Michael Jackson, pokeboy


I was never a huge fan of him, but I did like his work.

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Michael Jackson said:
I am back! I didn't really die by the way. I'm living on the moon with Elvis.
Oh Michael, you know that's not true. Remember what the agency told us when we "died"? We would each be put on other planets. You are on the moon, and I am on Pluto.
Elvis Presley said:
Michael Jackson said:
Jessi Slaughter said:
My my, what is going on here?
And who are you?
She's my little friend.
What are you talking about? We aren't supposed to have contact with the living world. But then again, why are we on this internet forum at the moment?
Michael Jackson said:
Elvis Presley said:
Michael Jackson said:
Jessi Slaughter said:
My my, what is going on here?
And who are you?
She's my little friend.
What are you talking about? We aren't supposed to have contact with the living world. But then again, why are we on this internet forum at the moment?
I have no idea. When I woke up today I found a laptop in my room with this site open. I'm assuming the same happened with you?
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