Making new town...


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2008
I think everyone should start over. Unless your happy with what you have, but I'm restarting just to get addicted again :p
I'm not restarting. I have restarted so many times that I stopped playing it. Now I'm staying as it is. :p
pizzaSlyze said:
I'm not restarting. I have restarted so many times that I stopped playing it. Now I'm staying as it is. :p
I did that and traded it in D:
I restarted a couple of weeks ago. I think you are right though; starting over is fun. :p
I am still working on making my town look EXACTLY the way I want it to.
Bazookie, I'm going to report you if you don't make your signature smaller.

I just bought CF a few weeks ago, and yeah it's pretty fun starting over.
I restarted my town back in june and since then I've made it perfect and spawned tons of hybrids. I don't feel like losing all my progress just yet.
Ouch, that sig is MASSIVE!!!

Also, I like my town too much to restart currently. And it's owned by my brother too, we'll oth have to agree about restarting.
i would but all the work i put in would seem wasted so i may try to stick with the one i have...hopefully
Just restarted my town. Wasn't far in it cause i got it in June but only bothered to play it once or twice, and when I did I time traveled like crazy. I currently started playing about a week ago, but realized that almost all of my grass was gone and I had millions of weeds. Just finished picking weeds, but I decided to restart and play for real :)