Magazine Question


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2009
So, I'm getting a subscription to any magazine I'd like... but I don't really know which one to get. I live in the USA so don't go speaking about your other country's magazines please.
If you like video games, could go with Nintendo Power, EGM, etc.
For sports there's Sports Illustrated, ESPN, etc.
Lots of magazines out there for specific hobbies... some cool ones focused on technology, too.
DarthGohan1 said:
If you like video games, could go with Nintendo Power, EGM, etc.
For sports there's Sports Illustrated, ESPN, etc.
Lots of magazines out there for specific hobbies... some cool ones focused on technology, too.
Well, I like technology (i'm a science nerd) but I also want a magazine like Seventeen.
DarthGohan1 said:
If you like video games, could go with Nintendo Power, EGM, etc.
For sports there's Sports Illustrated, ESPN, etc.
Lots of magazines out there for specific hobbies... some cool ones focused on technology, too.
EGM is no longer in business, when they went out, instead of sending me another video game magazine, they decided to send me Maxim. *facepalm*

Oh, and since you like science, I would suggest Popular Science, it is awesome.
I would go with photography. And yes that's a magazine im looking at one at the moment. :]