Luna and her huge boobs


beautiful disaster
Feb 1, 2017
Is it me or has anyone else noticed that Luna from The Dream Suite is the only char. with boobs in the AC series?
It's very interesting, isn't it? I cannot for the life of me figure out why that is the case. Perhaps it is because she is an older woman, but why the heck should that matter? It's a true mystery.
>~< why would you even care for something like that in Animal crossing ?
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Tapirs (which is what Luna is) do in fact have two teats, but they are closer to the hind legs than the forelegs. So whatever those are on Luna's chest they aren't boobs.
Tapirs (which is what Luna is) do in fact have two teats, but they are closer to the hind legs than the forelegs. So whatever those are on Luna's chest they aren't boobs.

Just people being Peepers .
Ok...for clarity I have ALWAYS, even as a kid..had a habit it seems, of noticing stuff like this lol. I am well aware that Tapirs have teats..but that still doesn't explain as to WHY she is the ONLY char with notable breasts. Joan...I cant recall ever being like "whoa shes got tatas..." where as with friggin 3yo pointed them out!! So yea lol.

Btw...I have to wonder if this has been brought up before?
joann and luna seem considerably older than the other characters/villager so i think it makes a bit of sense. (oh god why am i actually thinking about this, this is just a game!)
Someone on the modeling team had it out for older ladies, maybe?
LOL I feel a little better knowing I'm not the only one who noticed it

it would be great if they added more villagers with **** to ac tho ( ͡? ͜ʖ ͡?) if you know what im saying
What kind of activity have you been doing to think of such a thread? :p
Tapirs (which is what Luna is) do in fact have two teats, but they are closer to the hind legs than the forelegs. So whatever those are on Luna's chest they aren't boobs.

What and why the **** would you say that. My imagination is killing me slowly...
it is confusing that they added boobs in. everyone else is just flat chested then bam here are some animal tiddies