Trading Looking to trade for banana (My fruit types are cherry/lemon) or TBT if you want that instead


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2017
Blue Hybrid Pansy
Blue Heart Balloon
Baby Chick Easter Egg
100% (76) +
I haven't used any of my coupons yet, but I see that we have to exchange with others to get them. I'm looking for one of each of the fruits. So we can do an even trade. I can give you one of cherry or lemon for one of the fruit types you all have. Peach type is a priority to since that was one of the original fruits on my first NL town so I'd like to represent that.

If you are interested just hit me up with a message here. I haven't gotten any of the fruit yet, so I'm open to any fruit types so far. Thank you for your time!

Fruit I already have: Peach, Pear, Apple, Persimmon, Coconut, Orange, Lychee, Durian and Mango.

(I will be off to bed soon have to be up for work in a few hours. I will be back to check on the thread tomorrow periodically)
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Hi! I have perfect peaches, and looking for a perfect cherry collectible next. I'm happy to trade 1:1 with you!
Hi! I have perfect peaches, and looking for a perfect cherry collectible next. I'm happy to trade 1:1 with you!
Sure I can drop a cherry your way. Do you want a message of any kind? Or just no message? I'm good with no message for the peach unless you want to put one in.
I'm looking for a lemon!

I can get you a perfect peach or a mango, whatever you prefer
I can trade lemon for mango if that is ok. Do you prefer message or no? I am good with it just being no message. Unless you want to surprise me with one.
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Can you write a message along the lines of "Native to Jakecity!" or something? :) Thanks!

And any message for you?
You can surprise me with one, but I don't need one. I can do something like 'Here's a perfect cherry for the perfect mayor of Jakecity!' is that good?
I can trade lemon for mango if that is ok. Do you prefer message or no? I am good with it just being no message. Unless you want to surprise me with one.
Sounds great! Could you put some lemon emojis as the message please 😊
Are you looking for any specific order or am I good to send the mango right now?
I have perf oranges and bananas to offer :] I’d love to trade with you! I just have to figure out the order first and how many coupons I’ll have in the end.
I'm interested in trading for a cherry and lemon! I have pear and lychee. I'm looking for a specific order though, so I wouldn't want them purchased just yet!
I have perf oranges and bananas to offer :] I’d love to trade with you! I just have to figure out the order first and how many coupons I’ll have in the end.
I'm interested in trading for a cherry and lemon! I have pear and lychee. I'm looking for a specific order though, so I wouldn't want them purchased just yet!
That's fine. I still have some entries pending acceptance and some that I still need to do so that will buy me some time to get those coupons haha. We'll just figure it out later on.

Btw, sorry I didn't see these responses. I thought I had this topic watched, but I think it took itself off. Forum was a bit wonky for me like 15 mins earlier.
I'm going to submit for some MEOW coupons tonight and I'll be ready to send once they get accepted! Did you want both the lychee and pear?

I am ready for a lemon to be sent but if we're doing two trades, hold off on the cherry for now! And please tell me if you want any messages :D I'm fine with any or none!
Heyo! I can trade a Coconut for a Lemon if youre still looking for one of those?
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Think I did it right. It's been ages since I did a collectible trade lol.
And yes! You did it right hahaha sorry
Heyo! I can trade a Coconut for a Lemon if youre still looking for one of those?
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And yes! You did it right hahaha sorry
That's good! Cause when I did send it, it gave me a message saying I gifted it to me and should thank myself? What lol. Sorry for the late reply, I didn't realize I had posts here. It never notified me.

I don't have a coconut so that works! I can give a lemon for one. Is there a particular message you want? As for mine, you can just send none or think one up if you want to. I'm fine with either!

I'm going to submit for some MEOW coupons tonight and I'll be ready to send once they get accepted! Did you want both the lychee and pear?

I am ready for a lemon to be sent but if we're doing two trades, hold off on the cherry for now! And please tell me if you want any messages :D I'm fine with any or none!
Sorry for the late reply! I didn't realize I had messages here. My icon didn't notify me. And yes I can trade a lemon for a lychee. I can definitely send a message if you would like one. But I can also leave it blank if you'd prefer that. Would there be some line of messaging you would prefer?

As for mine. I am fine with a message of your choice or you can just forgo the message. I am fine with either.
I have persimmons if you need that fruit still~
Yes, I believe I do! I've only traded and got peach and mango so far. Would you like to do a trade for a cherry or lemon? And if so would you prefer a message or no message?
Ooohh would trading for a cherry be okay! It would be amazing.
Message please~

Cherry message: I always get cherries and cherry blossoms confused with each other; they both taste really sweet, and chipper!

would you like a message?
Ooohh would trading for a cherry be okay! It would be amazing.
Message please~

Cherry message: I always get cherries and cherry blossoms confused with each other; they both taste really sweet, and chipper!

would you like a message?
Sure you can put a message in if one comes to mind, but I'm cool with none to. I draw a blank with these things sometimes so I usually ask what someone wants as a message haha...

I'll get your cherry ready to go. Should maybe take me a half min or so. I tend to take a bit of time to make sure I don't mess anything up.
No worries, thank you.
Same sometimes, I just randomally make ones up or look stuff up that sounds good XD
I'll have a look or send it without one soon!
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Hi, would any of these be of interest for thr message?

She says that the sky was the colour of persimmon and sangria, shades of red only God could make.
Persimmons are not born soft, but they are valued for their softness.
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