Looking for collab artist! ( *`ω´)


☆Sassy Servant☆
Jan 16, 2014
October Birthstone (Opal)
Yellow Candy
Classic Easter Egg
Togepi Easter Egg
Easter Egg
Guess whos back. . .
Back again (=゚ω゚)ノ

ALRIGHT so as this is a little short notice I'll keep this decently brief. My group and I have entered into a youtube chorus competition! It's basically just a competition with different 'rounds' where each group produces an animated video with singing each round (yes that means my cringe singing rip).

For the video, we would like to have original art! So thats where you guys come in!

Since I'm already doing art for several other chorus videos at the moment, i'd like to ask for a lineartist to assist for the art for the video. You will be credited of course in the description and video! However, the chorus is made up of 5 members and I would be looking for lineart for each member. I would just be asking for lineart as I will be doing the coloring myself.

I am also looking for digital artists only. Preferably someone who uses photoshop or paint tool sai.

All info on the chorus can be found here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ca5kBy6RjihMtYZJ4o8YCUa7-jeYVPktfyWbhi9hXzE/mobilebasic?pli=1

For art examples of my own please check out my tumblr or deviantart linked in my signature!

Form to apply:

username :
Which program do you use? :
Art examples? :
which part of the art piece would you prefer to do (lineart or coloring)

Again I'm very sorry for the short notice of this! Thank you so much for reading and your understanding! If you have any questions feel free to leave them below or pm me!
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So do you just need a static piece of art? :0
Since you're doing an animation, I wasn't sure. I'm decent art regular art, but only mediocre at animations lol

username : Marco Bodt
Which program do you use? : Sai
Art examples? : my dA or my tbt gallery
which part of the art piece would you prefer to do : lineart c:
So do you just need a static piece of art? :0
Since you're doing an animation, I wasn't sure. I'm decent art regular art, but only mediocre at animations lol

username : Marco Bodt
Which program do you use? : Sai
Art examples? : my dA or my tbt gallery
which part of the art piece would you prefer to do : lineart c:

Ah yes I just need a static piece of art. We have an animator in our group who will edit the pieces into a video where the art for each person appears as they're singing. sorry for the confusion! (つД`)ノ
Thank you so much for your offer!
I just spotted 3 great artists in the same thread. With that I'm probably not gonna have very big chances lol

username : Bunny Bento
Which program do you use? : Sai
Art examples? :
Both are just lineart because my fill tool doesn't work very well, and coloring is very very time consuming for me.
which part of the art piece would you prefer to do (lineart or coloring) Lineart. No question there

Another reason why I can't do coloring is becuase I cannot shade or lighten AT ALL
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I will be picking someone soon! (Thanks for all being good and making it really difficult for me guys ;u;)
LOL hope this isnt too late

username: ardrey
Which program do you use?: SAI/Photoshop
Art examples?: Ah I don't have lineart ones on me right now, but maybe you remember what it looked like from our collab auction? :'D
which part of the art piece would you prefer to do (lineart or coloring): Either one is ok!