Little known fact about you

i was very surly and bitter as a teenager lol. not nice at all
I miss California. I wouldn't move back now knowing how their whole government situation is right now, but the part of Cali that I'm from was perfect.
Another thing- I love being on stage, despite having camera/stage fright.
I actually hate posting on social media/forums but I find TBT is friendly and welcoming for the most part. I do admit, the TBT we earn from posting is what largely motivates me to write responses in threads haha. Of course I love doing giveaways and such (and I would gladly do it even if we didn't earn TBT) but I rarely post ANYWHERE on the internet.
i curse like a sailor. lots of people when they curse around me go "oh sorry" to me as if i'm 5. x'D apparently i don't seem like the type to curse?
Hello everybody. By the way, I also speak in a dream. And I'm also very afraid of fire and through this I can't even cook ((from funny facts, I can forget a person's name in a second
i know this is for little known facts but i'm super bored so i'll share a few ☆

i have a lot of hobbies like: playing piano, drawing, sewing, embroidery, painting and making jewellery
i'm terrible at a most of those but i still love to do them 😁

i also feel like i'm pretty weird because i'm 19 and i've never sworn, smoked or drunk alcohol at any point in my life
everyone i know does at least one of those things but i don't 😅

and finally i'm actually a very angry person irl
i'm nice on this website because everyone else is
however i get annoyed about almost anything, like my aunt could be sat in the same room as me and i'd get so mad lol
My parents thought I was left handed until I started writing. It makes sense since I ate and grabbed objects with my left hand. To this day I’m still more comfortable eating with my left hand than my right.
lol, I share that trait with OP but I also sleepwalk. I always find it funny when I wake up without my sleeping clothes (typically when it's warm) or my pillow was tossed across the room. I've been informed by some siblings that I have actually gone to the bathroom and then back to bed a couple of times while asleep. Efficient but gross :sick:
I'm a twin ! He's really the only person I talk to,, he keeps me sane lmao. It can be really frustrating constantly being compared to and attached to someone else, but I've gotten used to it.
lol, I share that trait with OP but I also sleepwalk. I always find it funny when I wake up without my sleeping clothes (typically when it's warm) or my pillow was tossed across the room. I've been informed by some siblings that I have actually gone to the bathroom and then back to bed a couple of times while asleep. Efficient but gross :sick:

I move around quite a bit in my sleep but have yet to actually WALK out of bed. Fallen out of bed? Once. Then I woke up lol. Also walking out of bed is not an option for me since I sleep on a loft bed (basically it's a bunk bed but no bottom bed, so I sleep on the top).

When you sleep walk are your actions like, jumbled or do you do them just as you would awake?
I move around quite a bit in my sleep but have yet to actually WALK out of bed. Fallen out of bed? Once. Then I woke up lol. Also walking out of bed is not an option for me since I sleep on a loft bed (basically it's a bunk bed but no bottom bed, so I sleep on the top).

When you sleep walk are your actions like, jumbled or do you do them just as you would awake?
Half limp I guess. Only heard stories from my siblings
I have mild/moderate hearing loss due to ototoxicity (one side is more affected than the other) and thanks to that, my social anxiety has increased
I am actually currently in the process of getting dental implants at age 23. I’m waiting for the mold and the teeth to be made after the x-rays.
i rock back and fourth to stim (im autistic) and it gets faster the more in thought i am

ive been mocked for it many times without people asking why
There are probably quite a lot of little known facts about me but they're not all coming to my head. Here are a few though that a lot of people I know aren't aware off
  • I have both a Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh medal (in short they are expeditions involving route planning, a lot of trekking and camping) - in school completing the bronze was compulsory and I hated it but then for some mad reason I opted to do the silver as well.
  • I competed in two maths olympiads at school (national maths competitions) - the first was compulsory for the whole year and the second was compulsory for those off us crazy enough to study further maths
  • I once received an award at school for business/economics (one award was given out each year for each subject) - other then school friends and close family nobody knows that
  • A relative off mine (a great great uncle) was aboard the Titanic when it sank - he was a musician and died during the sinking
  • I have swum with a sea lion when I visited St Thomas - he was called Remy, he was lovely and it was one of the best days off my life but oddly I have never actually told many people
i rock back and fourth to stim (im autistic) and it gets faster the more in thought i am

ive been mocked for it many times without people asking why

I'm really sorry to hear that you've been mocked for that, there are some horrible people around, one of my older brothers is autistic and he rocks back and forth quite often when he's thinking.
i rock back and fourth to stim (im autistic) and it gets faster the more in thought i am

ive been mocked for it many times without people asking why

Huh, I do somethin similar when I'm standing, I'll 'rock' side to side. Didn't realize it was stimming, which makes me think I have somethin even more.

Also that sucks that people will mock you about that. It doesn't even concern them.
I work as a Mechanical Designer in the Engineering Department of my company. I also went to college for engineering.

Pretty sure my profile doesn’t give off that vibe whatsoever haha.
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Oh also I never learned to ride a bike so that phrase “It’s just like riding a bike” tends to fall flat with me...
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As a kid, I used to suffer from sleep paralysis.

When we enter REM sleep, our brains disconnect from our muscles. I think of this as, we don't want to throw punches in our sleep, because we are dreaming of boxing someone.
My brain didn't sync it properly so I would wake up, unable to move or speak. It was terrifying. Now when I started sleeping on my stomach, it never happened again. Not sure if it was merely a coincidence, or if it just worked. Either way, now i cannot fall asleep unless I am on my stomach.