• We're Celebrating Diversity on TBT! Join our new mini-event this month by making a 3D craft that represents what diversity and inclusivity mean to you. For your hard work, you'll receive a newly released villager collectible and the chance to win the latest addition to our plush series! See the Celebrating Diversity 2024 thread to get started.
  • Animal Crossing Hide & Seek sessions from The Bell Tree World Championship are coming back -- check out the new TBT Neighbourly Hide and Seek thread here for details!

★ Lets be friends!

Awe, thanks, Doodle! My friend already gave me all the fruits, so I'm good with those right now. =) I've been harvesting lots of Perfect Apples and starting to make some actual bells that can put a dent into that mortgage. Hahaha

My FC is: 0233-1799-2514

Edit: I've added Doodle, Michan, Hanami, Sally, Dorito-san, and Erin Puppy. Feel free to add me as a friend. If I missed anyone, just let me know =) It's always great to find new friends. ^-^
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Hihi all! If you guys don't mind, I'd love to add some of you!

I'm Tori, though I also go by Jaws. :)
I have 2 towns, Shei'rah & Chiffon, with mayors Tori & Mari.

I'm looking to just hang out, in my town or others', though my town isn't decorated fancy. I've got Shampoodle & Brewster in both towns + Gracie's store in Shei'rah.

Feel free to add me! :)

(also I'm looking to get some signatures for Cherry rn, hmu if you're available & I can come over today!)
Hello Doodle!

First off, I actually saw your adoption/cycling thread in the Villager Trading Plaza! But anyway, if you're still interested, I'd love to be friends with you! I'm always looking for new people to befriend in the AC fandom especially ones who still play ACNL and are active on there so I'm glad I found this thread! :)

Anywho, that said, my name is Leena or that's a name that I usually go by. My real name is Anni but I prefer Leena in the gaming world. I was never well-versed or part of the Animal Crossing until I got the physical copy of Animal Crossing: New Leaf sometime in March 2014 after using my allowance money to buy the physical copy of the game and the 2DS system as I was only able to afford that at the time. I do want to mention that there was a special deal for Pokemon X and Y going at the time so I really wanted to get the download code that was being promoted at the time and I got the physical copy of New Leaf since that looked most fun and a game I'd enjoy. I do wish that I was able to play the original Gamecube game, Wild World, and City Folk as I didn't have the respective systems and I mainly watched and or caught some of the game from watching in on Youtube via Let's Plays and walkthroughs. I also even watched the anime movie which I enjoyed immensely too! New Leaf is the first Animal Crossing game that I've ever had in all honesty and I grown to love it alot! I got Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer a year later as a Christmas gift from my parents along with the Amiibo card of Luna and a scanner which made me happy and I play it but not as much as New Leaf but it's just a personal preference.

Regarding my town, it was called Villetia and I managed to accomplish many things despite being a huge newbie (thanks to this forum as well as other websites that had guides to the game) from almost completing the museum, having all the business and shops available to the public (never got the T&T Emporium so I'm hoping to accomplish that goal), got most of my dreamies, and yet one thing that really bugged me about it and that was it was a messy town where I would have stuff lying about, I didn't have enough bells that was needed for PWPs and to be saved in banks (so I can buy stuff off of my wishlist, expand my houses, or at the time, get the villagers I wanted for my town), and disorganized locations of where villagers would move in and out. I also met alot of villagers I come to love and do have fond memories even though they moved out to villagers I didn't enjoy particularly or like which made me wish the latter would move. I also learned about time traveling and because I was a newbie at the time, I looked up guides on how to deal with events like April Fool's Day to Toy Day, coffee orders for cafe, villager birthdays to get them gifts, and lurking on the forums to reading threads about other people's suggestions about what to do with TTing and cycling towns as well as alot of what I didn't know about the game. As for my current town, it's still Villetia since I managed to get most of the shops and businesses open except for Club LOL, the Dream Suite, and I'm still hoping to get my second floor of the museum renovated as well as have my own dream suit pretty soon too! I also been saving bells not only from being able to find a close friend I can trust to keep my items in his town while I reset, resetting my game, and being able to have Tom Nook buy it (thank you Welcome Amiibo update!), I have alot more than I did and or could afford back in my old town. I'm working on restarting but I'm having trouble with landscaping and I've been stumped on how to ask others like where, who, and how do I start and I also have been looking up guides on Tumblr and only a few have been slightly helpful so I'm hoping to get a secondhand on that. I also want my town to be cute but also have nature too? I don't know the exact theme yet exactly although I know a cutesy, natural type of town is what I want if that makes sense? I would love a music, food, and a flowery type of rooms in my house. I'm a writer so maybe going to make a writer type of room too. I also just started a PWP today too so that's been great. I'm still figuring out where to place my flowers, pathways, trees, and whatnot. It's also gotten messy with me leaving things on the ground too but hoping to get the storage expansion and the second floor of the museum open so I can keep all my stuff. That aside, I love visiting other people's towns for inspiration and also love having people over in my town as long as they don't break the rules I have which should be listed in my signature but I'm pretty chill about people interacting with my villagers, taking my fruit if they need it, and or just hanging out fishing, catching bugs, shopping in Main Street, and stuff like that! I also lost villagers to the reset so I hope I get to gain them back as some new ones. The ones that I was close to were also mainly dreamies but ones that felt like close friends in the game: Genji (I really want him back in my town again so hoping to find a way to obtain him again! ;w;, he's my favorite in the game so far!), Beau, Chrissy, Marshal (whom I actually got a few days ago), Molly, Punchy, and Whitney. Most of them have moved away (one was accidentally voided) and or got lost after I decided to reset the game which I regret but hoping to give them away properly if I ever do another reset. Oh, and my town has Oranges in case you're wondering about the fruit. Both of my towns have had this so far. xD

I've been playing the game on and off but mostly on whenever I'm not busy dealing with real life stuff from work and family stuff and recently I have admittedly took some time off of game as to not get tired of it and I didn't have many people to play with except this one guy friend who's usually available whereas my other friends didn't have the game, didn't want the game, have stopped playing or were too busy to schedule a time to play it. Despite this, I have motivation to continue it for an ACNL blog on Tumblr and or Wordpress--still debating on where to post! I haven't played since April or May since I got swamped up with other fandoms and things. I also recently started a new part-time job after quitting my old one so it affects my playing schedule at times but I currently get off of work around 2 pm and am home usually around 3 pm unless I have an important appointment or event that day but I'll let you know if anything changes if we do get around to playing together. So I guess my time when I work are from 3 pm-11:30 pm Central timezone or CST I think? (so if you're EST, I'm an hour behind you). On my days off, I'm available from 10:30 am-11:30 pm. I also can stay up until 3 AM if I have a day off of work the next day. That aside, I really would love to get back into playing Animal Crossing so not only can I keep it up for chronicling my time onto my ACNL blog but I'd love to be able to experience the game with other people too and it helps me relax when I have anxiety and need time away from reality and so forth! It's a game that I always felt I can walk away from for awhile but later on, pick it up again. It's hard for me to have such a love for a game and the only games I like alot like that are Pokemon (the sole reason I got the physical copy of ACNL in the first place) and Kingdom Hearts.

My FC is on the side but I'll type it here as well:


Sorry that was super lengthy and I rambled! I hope that helps explains to you about me that I can and stuff but yeah, hoping we can be friends! :)
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Hi Doodle!

I love this game too. I've been playing since City Folk. And I currently have three copies of ACNL cause I just can't stop decorating ;) lol I really desperately need one of my train stations upgraded so that's my first priority right now!

I'm in the US on EST time but I'm on at different times each day. I will add you now and I hope to see you around :) Both of my FCs are in my signature
Hi everyone. I'm Amy and I've been playing AC on and off since WW! I've recently restarted my town and it doesn't really have a theme at the moment - I'm seeing how everything goes! I am quite a regular player, although I am going back to work Monday (teacher :c) so I will be less active unfortunately. I'm GMT so I know I'm not on at the same time as many of you, but would love to play when we are together.

If you want to be friends, my code is in my sidebar. Please like my post and I'll add you back :)
Hi, i'm Kuri. My town is called Acorn. It's also a forestry kinda village~ I don't have any friends locally that play anymore, so it would be great to hang out sometime.
Hi Doodle! I'd love to have friends to play with too, as I only really have one friend I regularly visit and I don't want to bother him too much. ;_; Your town sounds super sweet, and Stitches is one of my favourite villagers so I'd loveee to talk to him! My town is called Dewdrop and since I restarted a couple days ago, it's very plain, but I did get one of my favorite villagers (Bluebear) randomly which was really lovely. :) PM me if you want to play! It's around 12pm my time so I'm going to bed soon, but I can drop by anytime. ^_^ I've registered your friendcode already too.
Aaah! Hello everyone!! Just--sorry, I've been running my shops and stuff and trading a bunch, so I haven't just hung out in Astoria in quite a bit. ;3; Also, my Friend List is incredibly crowded (due to trading), so if I could just add you guys when you come online? ^^' And then once we've played I'll know who you are so I don't accidentally delete your Friend Code in an attempt to make more space.

Is anyone online right now that would like to play in Astoria? You can talk to the villagers, visit RVs, shop on Main Street--all that fun stuff! But really, I would like to test my internet connection in a room. In my bedroom I used to get poor internet with the 3DS. I just want to see if that's still the case... if we can't connect I can move somewhere else where the internet is stronger! I'd really appreciate the help! ;3; It'd make things a lot easier to play in my room lol.

So, anyone around? ^^
I'm online! :D I dont mind technical difficulties when you're testing stuff.

Oh yay!! Lemme just get some stuff ready real quick (like giving my Mayor a proper umbrella as it was raining when I was last on) and I'll VM you when my gate is open. ^^ Thanks for helping me test! If it disconnects us I'll go where I know the internet is good.
No problem at all, Doodle. Thanks for having me :D
I am new around here, so what's VM?
Oh, it's a message you will receive on your profile from me! You'll get a notification for it. And if you want to send me a message back, you just go to my profile and type a message in the field, press send and then I'll get a notification too~
I just started playing AC again after years of stopping and I also need friends. I added you, add me back if you want!

I'm online and I'd love to go visit another town~ Lunasai and I discovered my internet is perfectly stable in my room, so that's a relief! If you would rather visit Astoria, lemme know! That's fine too. :3 I might have to go somewhere in an hour or so, but I'm not sure right at this moment. Either way, I should I have plenty of time for a visit!

Cleox said:
I just started playing AC again after years of stopping and I also need friends. I added you, add me back if you want!

Hiya!! I'd love to be friends. Just lemme know when you are online and we can set something up~
Hello! I just started playing again about 2 weeks ago after about a year (my town is a mess that I am slowly rearranging, all my hybrid flowers died lmao so I'm slowly regrowing). I want to start playing with others again, but none of my friends play any more. I added you if you'd like to add me back. :)
Hey Sunnybone! I'd love to play with you right now, but I haven't heard back from my boyfriend who might need a ride home from work. So I might have to leave soon, yet I'm not sure! ;3; If I can stick around I'll let you know. Otherwise I might not be back for a couple hours.
Hey! I dunno if you mean me specifically, but if so, I'd really love to visit! I had to pop out to pick up my boyfriend and now I'm going to have dinner soon... if you're around in a couple hours I'd love to come by! :3 I can VM you if you want (if I see you online still then)?