Inside Nintendogs Items


Co-Founder of TBT
Retired Staff
Dec 2, 2004
Sautéed Mushrooms
I posted the following at the Kennel Club -

"Every time I get some great new items, I will post an "Inside Items" article that will have info about all of the items! This may be done everyday, or every time I get a great new item.

Today's items are the Peach Kart and the RC Helicopter -

Peach Kart - When you take it out, you can drive it with the D-Pad. The A button accelerates, and the B button goes in reverse and makes you break. If you press L, you can get into a camera angle like that in Mario Kart games. Also, when you start driving, the theme from Peach Beach from Mario Kart: Double Dash!! for the Gamecube starts to play. This is one of the best items that I curently have. It is in the Toys sections.

RC Helicopter - The RC Helicopter is also a great toy, but best used outside. You use the A button to fly, and the D-Pad to steer. Also, when you press L, you get a different camera angle; one where you see right behind the helicopter. Overall, a great item. It is in the Toys section.

That's all for this edition of "Inside Items"!"

Every time I get some great new items, I will post an "Inside Items" article that will have info about all of the items! This may be done everyday, or every time I get a great new item.

Today's items are the Keyboard and some music records! Here we go!

Keyboard - This is your usual electronic keyboard, only apparently with one octave. You can switch octaves by holding either Up on the D-Pad, or Down on the D-Pad. There are different instruments to choose from, including xylophone, guitar, normal piano, trumpet, and your own recordings. The dogs react by barking everytime you play a not. This is a very fun thing. It is in the Music category.

Naptime Record - This record has no great music, but it causes your Nintendog(s) to fall asleep, and that's great because sometimes they can get rowdy, and start running around the room, not wanting to fall asleep. They sleep for however long the record is on, and you can make it loop continuously.

Street Marker Record - This is an interesting remix of some songs from the Nintendogs soundtrack. I like it a lot, but I only liked it after listening to it a few times in a row; at first, I thought it was awful. Now, I like to listen to it, while playing to it on my Keyboard. And my dogs love it! It's the best song yet, I think.

Suprise Record - Composed by Haydn, I just got this from my latest walk. Walks are so great; I get cool items almost every time! It's not a very good record, but I think it does random things to the dogs... There's a strong chord at one part, and it causes the dogs to jump up in shock.

Puppy Waltz - This isn't quite a record; it's a music box. This is Chopin's popular piece; you have to twirl the stylus around the screen to make the music box work. This is a great music item to use for dogs, because they just love that tinkling sound of the music box!

That's it for now; See you later!


What do you guys think?
You will bump this thread everytime you get an awsome item right? I would hate to miss it.

PIRANHA2 said:
hmm... this makes me want the game


it sounds like a great waste of time


*wants it*
It's the best DS game currently out.
yes.... currently out >_>

only to some.

the rest of us get to wait

:p but im fine with that, i've waited a year and a half for Animal Crossing DS, and the day i get it is getting closer, and closer

PIRANHA2 said:
PIRANHA2 said:
hmm... this makes me want the game


it sounds like a great waste of time


*wants it*
It's the best DS game currently out.
yes.... currently out >_>

only to some.

the rest of us get to wait

:p but im fine with that, i've waited a year and a half for Animal Crossing DS, and the day i get it is getting closer, and closer

I know what you mean. I want it, too. Only 3-4 months to go.