If a genie could grant you three wishes, what would they be?

1. Stop suffering of children world wide or help reduce it tremendously
2. A dog that lives as long as I do
3. My children and husband/wife to be healthy and happy.
- Money
- The cure of all diseases and deformities
- More empathy. That would mean: less wars, murders, contamination, corruption, discrimination, crime in general.
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1. Have incredibly strong telekinesis (like flying, lifting really big and heavy objects, etc).
2. Be extremely attractive.
3. Have an IQ of over 170.
1. always have enough money on hand to buy something
2. my entire family will be healthy
3. able to change clothes to the clothes i want with a snap (i'm a ballet dancer and it would make my life easy.)
1. Perfect health for those I care about.
2. World peace (includes no more crime either).
3. Enough money for myself to live well off of.
Hmmm, I have two sets.

My anti-human view.

1. Wipe all Human beings out, sorry but Humanity as whole is garbage and needs to be eliminated.
2. Provide unlimited food and water for animals.
3. Provide unlimited space for animals on Earth so overpopulating wouldn't be a problem.

In general.

1. For everybody on Earth to be peaceful, you don't have to like each other but peace isn't that hard to maintain unless you act on your filthy thoughts.
2. For Earth to be clean of any damage, I'm talking pollution, environmental damage and so on...
3. For everyone on Earth to be Vegan.

I didn't say they were going to be realistic. Haha.
1.) money

2.) to be able to eat as much as i like without gaining weight

3.) plant powers
Selfish answers
1. Infinite money.
2. No mental disorders.
3. Be able to read minds.

Better answers
1. Cures for all deadly diseases.
2. World peace.
3. End world hunger.
my dreams/wishes are too typical and boring to write here
1. Wealth (sorry to be greedy, but come on, I think most people would like a little more money...)

2. For animal crossing to be real and for the world to be as happy and care-free as the game is.

3. Long term happiness in all my current friendships and relationship. I want to keep these people in my life as long as I possibly can.

Those are mine c:
world peace
long term happiness for me and everyone I care about
a stable well paying job that I enjoy
1. $$$
2. The ability to go into ANY video game that has and will exist, and not die in it (Also to be able to transform to whatever you want in that realm... Ex: inkling ;3)
3. Time Travel
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