Senior Member
Here's my idea: the NeoArtillery. It has movement range of 7, a vision range of 3, a maximum fuel capacity of 70, and maximum rounds for primary and secondary weapons 6 and 9, respectively. It's primary weapon is the long-range cannon. It can fire 2-7 spaces away and has the attack power between a tank and a Md tank, more toward a Md tank. It's secondary weapon is the Neo cannon, the same as that on a NeoTank. It is used for direct combat, and has the power of a NeoTank. Both weapons can fire upon any unit except air units. It has armor strength between that of a Md tank and a NeoTank. It can also fire it's long-range cannon on the same day it makes movement, making for one heck of an attack range. It's movement type is "special". It can't move on mountians, but moves on shores, plains, roads, bridges, cities, factories, airports, ports, HQs, and missile silos at a movement cost of one. It has the same trouble as any tread based vehicle through woods, it's movement cost through them is 2. Now, here's the amazing part. It can be floated on water. It can move through and park on rivers, however it has a movement cost of 2 on them. It can also move in the sea, but it must enter the sea from a shore, much like land units can only board landers from the shore. On the sea, it has a movement cost of 2, and in reefs, it has a movement cost of 3. It also has the ability to supply other units, just like an APC can, and also has the ability to carry two units, though infantry and mech are the only ones that can be loaded in the thing. However, the passengers can only disembark when the Neo Artillery is on anything but sea or reef. It can be deployed from either ports or bases. This is a great unit, but such greatness comes at a high, high price: 50,000 G per unit.