I wish I could unsubscribe from Happy Home Academy


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2014
This is a very minor nitpick in the grand scheme of things, not an issue at all. But, like... surely I can't be the only one who's a little annoyed to get those HHA letters every Sunday even though they never have anything good to say anymore, right? I hit rank S several months ago and there's nothing after that right now, no matter how amazing my score is. All they do is keep telling me my basement is cluttered which, yeah, it is, but maybe it wouldn't be if I was allowed to store presents in my storage.

With that in mind, I wish there was a way to unsubscribe from those mails, maybe like only have them notify us of something if there's a prize involved or the like. Otherwise, it's just an annoyance, even if a very minor one. What do y'all think?
I was glad it was not the case anymore in New Leaf... But they put it again in NH 😭

Was it not a thing in New Leaf? It's been quite a long time since I played but I feel like I did receive HHA letters pretty routinely '__' Maybe I'm just traumatized by their presence in NH and mixing the two up...
I agree. Those emails are always instantly deleted when I receive them. HHA would be more useful if Lyle and the gang had more presence in the game and if there was a reward system for decorating our houses.
Was it not a thing in New Leaf? It's been quite a long time since I played but I feel like I did receive HHA letters pretty routinely
Lyle had a desk inside Nook’s Homes and the only way to know your score would be to walk there and talk to him.

yeah, I’m not a huge fan of HHA letters either.
I’m not a fan of it either and I wish the villagers didn’t talk about it so much on Saturdays
Was it not a thing in New Leaf? It's been quite a long time since I played but I feel like I did receive HHA letters pretty routinely '__' Maybe I'm just traumatized by their presence in NH and mixing the two up...

They sent letters only when we achieved certains scores in the evaluation, and thus they attached rewards with the letters.

But when it was not necessary they wouldn't send anything !
They sent letters only when we achieved certains scores in the evaluation, and thus they attached rewards with the letters.

But when it was not necessary they wouldn't send anything !
yeah I liked it better that way too
i wouldn't say it annoys me, but i would prefer if they only sent us letters if and when we achieved a certain score and then maybe monthly to 'check up' on us. i achieved S rank months ago so i don't read the letters anymore and trash them instantly, but that goes for most of the letters i get in-game. i'd much rather have the birthday invites return tbh. also am i misremembering or did the HHA in NL have a longer set of rewards? i'm pretty sure they had an themed 'competition' on top of the regular scoring too, which was how you achieved the all-gold exterior. not sure why they expanded on the HHA so much in NL (and HHD) only to completely trash it in NH.
They sent letters only when we achieved certains scores in the evaluation, and thus they attached rewards with the letters.

But when it was not necessary they wouldn't send anything !
God that sounds nice. The storage upgrade was nice, but there's still no option to store recipe cards for some stupid reason. And the HHA doesn't like that I have them on my floor. But if I put them outside, Isabelle would complain.
God that sounds nice. The storage upgrade was nice, but there's still no option to store recipe cards for some stupid reason. And the HHA doesn't like that I have them on my floor. But if I put them outside, Isabelle would complain.

if you don't want to put them outside or have them on your floor, there is a trick to store them in your recycling bin. idk if you know about it or if they maybe patched it, but.
I've reached the point where none of the letters they send mean anything to me. I'm not getting anymore rewards and I don't even bother to read what they say since it's the same every time.
I've gotten all of the rewards for my house at this point so it's mostly just annoying to receive the weekly letters from HHA, it would be nice if they toggled off once you had achieved the highest score
They're definitely pretty annoying lol. I'm close to rank S, just gotta add some more stuff to my house, but I don't feel like working on it right now, so I just delete all of them
I don’t like them either. They always tell me to use furniture that’s the same color, but most of the furniture in my house is black so I don’t know what they’re complaining about.
I agree. It’s like that piece of junk mail I never signed up for in the first place. I don’t need mail reminding me that I haven’t decorated my house and that I use it to hoard diys.
1000% AGREE.

I kinda want to decorate with trash out of spite. :p they sent me a nasty letter when I had lost items on my floor, apparently they're trash too.
Me too, I always get so excited when I see my letterbox pinging and then I realise it’s a Sunday and more than likely it’s another spam mail from HHA 🥴