I have a question

No you can't. If you say anything that may be offensive to the moderators then your ass will get warned. Such as what Comatose did to me in Brewster's Cafe;
System Message aka Comatose said:
10% for discussing "pixel sex" and continuing the discussion.

I had no intention of continuing the discussion of that topic but it so happened System Message thought I did.
Nic said:
No you can't. If you say anything that may be offensive to the moderators then your ass will get warned. Such as what Comatose did to me in Brewster's Cafe;
System Message aka Comatose said:
10% for discussing "pixel sex" and continuing the discussion.

I had no intention of continuing the discussion of that topic but it so happened System Message thought I did.
Also, you don't want to do that. ^^^^^

There's a reason they're called Private Messages. You can't discuss warns and the like on this forum.
Nic, noone cares. Sure, you got a warn that was justifiable, but wrong in terms you weren't going to carry on. However though, you've never quite been a humble, nice member.

As for the thread, nope. It is not not encouraged.
most everything is censored, when spelled correctly.

if you misspell them, eh.

it isn't encouraged, just like with society.