i get it bul

i get it

do the whole

im too good to talk to anyone and im just gunna play my nintendogs game

I'm sorry, my internet was cut off... <_<

But anyway, Nintendogs is great! What do you want me to tell you about it?
congrats Bule. could you tell all of us about the major parts of the game and is it worth buying?
[quote="] congrats Bule. could you tell all of us about the major parts of the game and is it worth buying? [/quote]
Thanks, and yes, it is DEFINETELY worth buying. It's the best game for the DS, currently. Well, you strart out by knocking on a door, which is actually the door to a kennel. You buy a dog, and care for it by teaching it tricks, bathing it, scratching it, feeding it, and training it. I entered a couple of competitions with my dog, Gabriel, and it was very fun. I heartily recommend it!

anyways, congrats! if you don't mind me sayin', y'should write a big hearty review fer it! im curious tuh'know all the bells and whistles. :lol:
Oh yeah, Bul. Nintendo sent a mail to me reading:

'Tell Bulerias to give his Nintendogs to you. The End. '

Listen to the sages!

Lucky .....
