• LIVE A gaming event as part of The Bell Tree World Championship 2024 is currently being livestreamed on TBT's Twitch channel here -- spectators who chat on Discord can earn points too!

How much Halloween celebrating are you doing in your game?

Nothing formally planned yet, but I'll be giving out candy to my villagers and Jack. I still need to find a costume though! :eek:

Have been sprinkling the Spooky items around my island to get into the spirit. Might drop by a few other islands if they're open on Halloween night to take photos in costumes around Halloween decor. 😁
I am pretty minimalist in decoration irl so I think it reflects in my game. lol, but Halloween is my favorite time of year, so I definitely decorated! It even inspired my "holiday mini island" I now have in game. :D
Not a lot. I'm hosting a live online event with one of the organisations I work with that day, as well as helping launch TBT's Halloween Event Pt 2. If I have any downtime it's probably going to be spent focused on one of the two big projects I need to present next week rather than gaming unfortunately. I'll probably TT back afterwards if I don't find time to play.
I am not a big an of Halloween plus we don't celebrate in real life either. I am not getting any decoration on my Island really. I cant wait for Christmas tho it will be so muchhh fun.
I also do not really celebrate Halloween in real life.

However, I do love all the new items they gave us, so I have being going nuts and decorating my entire island with pumpkins. I just finished making a pumpkin patch today. My island is looking very spooky.

I wanted to wait till the 31st before I did the event though, so I have still have that to look forward to on Saturday. I can't see myself doing anything else irl. 😂 🎃
I've been dressing my character up in various costumes, and I've decorated all of my villagers' yards. I also redid my farm area to include the new pumpkins. I've incorporated some of the spooky items there are well.
I love Halloween, but the most decorating I have done so far in my game is for the haunted bell tree manor event (so pretty much just the exterior of my house area). Other than that i did put down a few spooky lanterns outside some of the villagers houses and Able’s. I’ll probably try to get a little bit more done before Halloween hits. I love all the spooky decorations, so I will definitely try to utilize all of them. Sadly in real life I don’t think there will be a lot of Halloween decorating go on, which is a bummer! So maybe decorating in game more will make up for the lack of Halloween spirit going on right now IRL.
Just like what I predicted, I only spent less than half a hour to complete the event. I handed out all my candies. Anyway, I am posting my experience so far with the Halloween event.

It doesn't take that much candy to get all the remaining spooky recipes. The goal is to get lollipops from your villagers then hand them all to Jack. Both your villagers and Jack may give you any missing spooky recipes. They also handed out other special items such as the wallpaper, flooring, and rug.

By the way, I find it hilarious if you refuse to give them candy. I will leave it up to you to find out! :ROFLMAO: (Please make sure that you have candy in your inventory for this "trick" to work.)
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Because in Italy they don’t celebrate Halloween that much at all (and this year even less cause of Covid), I decorated A LOT in my game. It made me feel like I’m really into a Tim Burton movie! In 2015, right in October, I was visiting the USA and I had a great time over there. I love Halloween and I always tell my american friends they are lucky that they have a whole month about pumpkins and decorations over there!