How long will it last?

I'm not getting a switch or NH on release day, so I'll still be playing.
I AM super worried about when the 3ds loses online connectivity. All those dream towns, gone. So I'd better get all the stuff I want before that.
Yeah, that's my biggest concern is when they will shut down the servers. I can still enjoy the game as it is because I don't do hardly any online play, but I do still need the dream badge. Plus, I'd like to be able to share my dream address for my second town when it's complete.

I'm not too worried about trading because I've already gotten everything I wanted in my main town. I took the plunge and bought the RV cards I know I'll want for my second town. And since I have 2 3DS's, 3 if you count my husband's, I can upgrade the train station locally if necessary. But it's still going to be a sad day for me when all the dream towns go away.
I'll probably stop playing my towns when I get New Horizons, but then I'll go back to them later. I may even check out what "abandoned" Club Tortimer is like in the future.
I think that some people will still play New Leaf despite New Horizons releasing. It's not like the game will be abandoned immediately. I bet some people still play the original, Wild World, and City Folk to this day.
I can see people still playing it. At least for a little while. I however don?t really play it anymore. I?ve become bored of it as I?ve played since release. However, like all animal crossing games years down the line I will return to it to look back on. I still occasionally play the other animal crossing games so new leaf will be the same for me.
I'm gonna try to keep up with my town because I've only had it since November and I think I still would if I'd of had it longer. I'm not the type to put down one version/sequel of a game just because a new one comes out. I know people who still play Splatoon despite owning two. I'd imagine I'll play New Horizons a lot more at first, but I'll still keep up with New Leaf.
How Long Will it Last ?

Nah, New Leaf definitely won't go unplayed. There's a big community of people who are still playing previous games (all the way back to GC, even) now. I'm not going to leave, even when they (eventually) get rid of online. :(
I think a lot of people will still play New Leaf a lot, even with New Horizons coming out soon - I'll definitely still be checking in, and the people who don't have a Switch yet will still be playing a lot, I'd imagine :)
I've had NL for less than a year, so I will still play it. But naturally NH is gonna get all my attention to start with, seeing as it's new.
I'm hoping to keep playing my newest ACNL town along with an ACNH town. I'm a little worried about how I'm going to balance maintaining two towns (I barely visit any of my older towns), but my current thought process is that maybe I can play ACNH while using my stationary bike in my apartment, and then play ACNL at night before I go to bed (I adjusted the clock on the 3DS I use for ACNL to make it fit my lifestyle better). I've been getting a little burnt out on my ACNL town, though, and I do worry that if I take a brief hiatus to focus on ACNH, I'll have a hard time returning.

My guess is that the online community will persist for a while, assuming that the servers stay up for some time. The transition from 3DS to Switch and the NSO paywall may encourage some people to continue devoting more of their online attention to ACNL. Over time, I suspect ACNL enthusiasm will gradually fade out, similar to what happened with older entries.
I'm still going to play New Leaf after New Horizons comes out. I'm planning to play both of them, but if NH is really good I'll probably focus on that more, or if it's worse than expected I'll probably focus on NL. I don't think I can finish my current town by the time the game is released, and since I've never properly finished a NL town, I'd really like to. But I guess I'll just see what happens.

As for other people, I hope there's still at least some playing. There probably will be, because of people being halfway through making a town or because they don't have access to a switch. It's such a good game and I hope the NL community doesn't instantly disappear.
I've been playing it for more than five years now without a pause so I guess I'm still gonna play for like 4636 years
I think eventually. Me personally, I have stopped playing new leaf. I stopped about a month ago. I got to the point where I know I will be switching completely to new horizons, so I have no desire for new leaf anymore.
i got rid of my 3DS & nl a while ago, so i definitely don?t have to worry about it going unplayed aha; but if i still had them, it?d more than likely go unplayed since i?ve seen and completed mostly everything in nl and new horizons will be a whole new game to explore :3
When I get New Horizons, my New Leaf town(s) will most likely be abandon. They're going to get the same treatment as my AC Gamecube, Wild World (X2) and City Folk towns.
It was nice, but it's time to move on.

But, I might check on them sometimes. :)
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I played NL everyday when I first got the game, but had to stop playing when I started getting busy because of college. Though I do check on my town once in a while when I suddenly get the urge to check on my village.

We'd probably be too busy with New Horizons to play New Leaf again (and at this point, most people have already "maxed out" on things to do on NL hahah)
Hellooo everyone!
I was watching some New Horizon videos earlier, and then it came to me.
When NH comes out, do you guys think that NL will go unplayed? Or do you think people will still play it continuously? Personally I don't know what I would do.
What about you?
Thanks for reading, can't wait to hear everyone's response!

I posed the same question once NH was announced. And I think there is still a load of people that play 3ds and don't have a switch, I would look into the overlap of support for online features for like CF when NL came out and see how long that lasted before it was shut down to get a good idea. However I feel like it would be extended for NL because honestly its way more popular than any other of the games
I'll likely be swapping mainly over to NL, however I'm still going to try and fit in some NL time, at least initially. It is a very meaningful game, so I definitely don't want to discontinue it. I still place WW occasionally, actually too! Really, City Folk is the only one I've ever actually left behind...
I might still play it somewhat but until acnh comes out im trying to get my acnl town as perfect as possible. I just need more plants, public work projects and house items and im done :lemon: