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How do you feel about the hourly music?

i like it but i prefer the overall mood of wild world and new leaf. i love the daytime tracks but the nighttime ones don't jump out to me as much.
I can't stand some of the day tracks, the night ones are okay, but they all feel uninspired and forgettable, I hope they add a way to change the hourly music to past games, I'd pay for it.
The day music just gives me flashbacks to ****ty playstation 1/2 games menu music, or elevator music, puts me in a bad mood.
The music in NH all sounds the same to me?? Which is kind of disappointing because I loved New Leaf's soundtrack.
I think the only tracks I really like are 5pm and 5am.
3am scared me the first time it played while I was lying in bed in the dark with the volume low enough I could only hear the WHOMP WHOMP WHOMPs. 😂
i like a few of the tracks but 6pm is the only one that really resembles animal crossing music to me. most of them are very boring in comparison to previous games but at least theyre easy on the ears
I love it a lot, it’s definitely very different from the other games but IMO it still feels very Animal Crossing and fits the vibe of the game really well. I adore the late night/early morning music especially <3
For the most part I like it! It's not as relaxing as some of the previous games but I think it kind of fits the island theme. The only hour I hate is 2PM.
I like it. It was obviously different and took a little getting used to, but to be honest after listening to the same song for the first part of the game, I was just super glad to have different songs to listen to, lol!

But I pretty much like the songs for all the times of day I usually play, it's very familiar to me now, just like NL was :)
Some of it can be annoying, such as 1PM, 2PM, 3PM, and 6PM, but others are really good, mainly 5AM-12PM, 4PM, and 5PM.

Some of it can just be extremely boring 7PM and beyond.

I don't play between 1AM-4AM, so I can't judge it too much, but I've heard 3AM, and it sounds like pure torture.,
i hate the 2 pm song so much i have to mute my switch when it comes on. i don’t know why, it just makes me viscerally angry. i miss the new leaf soundtrack so much, it was so much more relaxing. i could listen to 5 pm forever.

i wish the nook phone had a portable radio app where you could play K.K. songs instead of hourly music.
It hasn't left a strong impression on me either way. I'm not going to go out of my way to buy the soundtrack for this game (if there even is one), but I also don't feel the need to mute the sound either. It's fine~
i like it! i’m not in love with it or anything but it’s nice!
I like it, I just don't love the music in new horizons as much as wild world or new leafs music.
Its not bad, but sometimes I play the new leaf/wild world ost music on youtube while playing on my island.
Maybe it's just nostalgia getting to me!
Just wanted to know everyone else's opinions on the music. <3

The only one I like is the 5am one, the rest are just not that great.
I haven't listened to the tracks between 3am-6am yet but most of the music is forgettable as others have mentioned.
I love a lot of the music in this game! My favorites are definitely 5 AM, 7 AM, and 12 AM. 3 AM gets notable mentions for creeping me out because I woke up in the middle of the night to it once not sure if I was in a fever dream or something. (I have the hourly music playing on my computer all the time)
i really like 12 and 5 pm, but the rest of them kind of blend together. (keep in mind i haven't really heard 2-8 am at all and some of the one's near those times). like some of them are bit more distinctive but i feel like new leaf's were a bit more varied overall i guess? i don't know

i feel like people aren't showing a lot of love for 12 pm but it's really good
I'm okay with all of the songs except for 2 PM. It hurts my ears to listen to. I don't know what they were thinking.
I feel like a lot of the best tracks for NH are the morning ones. 2AM is really lovely, lets just not mention 3AM, and the music from like 5AM-7AM is all great. I also really like the 6PM song.

Not sure why people think the NH music is so much worse than New Leaf... I think New Leaf had a lot of duds and forgettable music in it's soundtrack. The one tune I can remember is the 5PM track. That one was my absolute favorite hourly song and I always had the Dream of my town set at 5PM.
5pm music is my favourite. Looks like the morning ones are really good too, I haven't been up to hear them though hahaha

3am is horrible though, I'm not a fan of it at all.
I honestly enjoy it. Although I've enjoyed most all of the music from all the games. There are only a few I really don't like. I see a lot of people hating on 2pm, but I actually kinda enjoy it...

But y'all. 5PM SLAPS