Homework Help Thread

Propaganda Man

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2005
This thread is to help poeple that have homework so they can stay on here longer or find themsleves a girl/boy and leave us only to get dumped to find the boy or girl cheating on them, or have a good relationship


Anyways just ask questions here then some one who knows the answer will HELP you with it, so if you ask a math problem they will give you an IE of that same problem, or history they wil give you link to some info on it, and maybe talk to you about it.

please pm me what you are good at if you want to help. I'll know I'll need it :rolleyes:
I wouldn't try asking for humanitys help on the essay I have to do this weekend sometime. My Humanitys teachers use TurnItIn.com, which searches for matching papers to make sure I'm not cheating... And I'm good when it comes to math...
i could use all the math help i could get

:) im in Pre-Calculus, so yeah... you need to be pretty good at that.

i could help in History... i think... and P.E.


love how you call it "homerwork" by the way...
Yah, PE foundations is hard for me. 3/5th of the days we do book work! And what coledge cares that you failed PE? No one! Yet I had to copy 40 definitions out of a book for no reason!
...Uhm, what is P.E.?


I don't do all of the dumb things because I homeschool...
it is a-er-joke?...yah...joke


to show poeple thayt need help should come here (like me) I almost was held back, just becuase of my fresh mouth. And 7th grade is a hard grade, and Bul, just becuase you are home schooled doesn;t mean you can't help with math

BAMBAM! said:
it is a-er-joke?...yah...joke


to show poeple thayt need help should come here (like me) I almost was held back, just becuase of my fresh mouth. And 7th grade is a hard grade, and Bul, just becuase you are home schooled doesn;t mean you can't help with math

Of course it doesn't mean that; I never said that. All I said was that I don't take dumb courses like... Dissection because I can read all of that in a book, and plus, I won't need it for developing videogames unless I'm making "Dissection Monstrosity Version 2.0"

MasterDSX said:
Physical Education

Or something like that. I didn't know that you were homeschooled, Bul

Physical Education...? Is it sorta like...?
Bulerias said:
BAMBAM! said:
it is a-er-joke?...yah...joke


to show poeple thayt need help should come here (like me) I almost was held back, just becuase of my fresh mouth. And 7th grade is a hard grade, and Bul, just becuase you are home schooled doesn;t mean you can't help with math

Of course it doesn't mean that; I never said that. All I said was that I don't take dumb courses like... Dissection because I can read all of that in a book, and plus, I won't need it for developing videogames unless I'm making "Dissection Monstrosity Version 2.0"

Or that DS game that's in the surgery room :rolleyes:
Bulerias said:
MasterDSX said:
Physical Education

Or something like that. I didn't know that you were homeschooled, Bul

Physical Education...? Is it sorta like...?
It is gym, ever heard of the presidents fitnest test?

it is basicly that but less intess and everyday. Best subject

:) except lunch

BAMBAM! said:
Bulerias said:
MasterDSX said:
Physical Education

Or something like that. I didn't know that you were homeschooled, Bul

Physical Education...? Is it sorta like...?
It is gym, ever heard of the presidents fitnest test?

it is basicly that but less intess and everyday. Best subject

:) except lunch

Pfft... I can always go on a two hour bike ride or something. I designate that as a useless class. Now biology, that's something different... *huggles biology and math*
Bulerias said:
BAMBAM! said:
Bulerias said:
MasterDSX said:
Physical Education

Or something like that. I didn't know that you were homeschooled, Bul

Physical Education...? Is it sorta like...?
It is gym, ever heard of the presidents fitnest test?

it is basicly that but less intess and everyday. Best subject

:) except lunch

Pfft... I can always go on a two hour bike ride or something. I designate that as a useless class. Now biology, that's something different... *huggles biology and math*
not really useless, it keeps me in shape *sucks in 300 punds of fat* yup...in shape.
BAMBAM! said:
Bulerias said:
BAMBAM! said:
Bulerias said:
MasterDSX said:
Physical Education

Or something like that. I didn't know that you were homeschooled, Bul

Physical Education...? Is it sorta like...?
It is gym, ever heard of the presidents fitnest test?

it is basicly that but less intess and everyday. Best subject

:) except lunch

Pfft... I can always go on a two hour bike ride or something. I designate that as a useless class. Now biology, that's something different... *huggles biology and math*
not really useless, it keeps me in shape *sucks in 300 punds of fat* yup...in shape.
Meh, two hour bike rides keep me in shape as well. *looks at skinny self*
BAMBAM! said:
Bulerias said:
MasterDSX said:
Physical Education

Or something like that. I didn't know that you were homeschooled, Bul

Physical Education...? Is it sorta like...?
It is gym, ever heard of the presidents fitnest test?

it is basicly that but less intess and everyday. Best subject

:) except lunch

Untill you have to do pointless bookwork, then it slowly turns tedious. Not that sports were ever fun. No, I have never heard of such a test. What is the point of it? *In 7th grade, took the SATs and made 650 on the math portion*. I don't realy think I need it

B) ... I sure hope I can live untill Digital Immortality

BAMBAM! said:
Bulerias said:
BAMBAM! said:
Bulerias said:
MasterDSX said:
Physical Education

Or something like that. I didn't know that you were homeschooled, Bul

Physical Education...? Is it sorta like...?
It is gym, ever heard of the presidents fitnest test?

it is basicly that but less intess and everyday. Best subject

:) except lunch

Pfft... I can always go on a two hour bike ride or something. I designate that as a useless class. Now biology, that's something different... *huggles biology and math*
not really useless, it keeps me in shape *sucks in 300 punds of fat* yup...in shape.
...Do you mean that your 300 pounds


I'm like bellow 100. I can't learn how to drive yet (I'm 15) Because I'm too light.

:( Sucks to be me.
anyways lets stop the chit chat

and Master (that sounds pretty cool

:p )

just search the internet on google, or bettter yet, go to your schools website and go to the media center or library and look for links there to search things that you will know are the best guesses or truth. 9best guess is for history ;))
MasterDSX said:
BAMBAM! said:
Bulerias said:
BAMBAM! said:
Bulerias said:
MasterDSX said:
Physical Education

Or something like that. I didn't know that you were homeschooled, Bul

Physical Education...? Is it sorta like...?
It is gym, ever heard of the presidents fitnest test?

it is basicly that but less intess and everyday. Best subject

:) except lunch

Pfft... I can always go on a two hour bike ride or something. I designate that as a useless class. Now biology, that's something different... *huggles biology and math*
not really useless, it keeps me in shape *sucks in 300 punds of fat* yup...in shape.
...Do you mean that your 300 pounds


I'm like bellow 100. I can't learn how to drive yet (I'm 15) Because I'm too light.

:( Sucks to be me.

:p just a little joke

BAMBAM! said:
anyways lets stop the chit chat

and Master (that sounds pretty cool

:p )

just search the internet on google, or bettter yet, go to your schools website and go to the media center or library and look for ]
Hmm? What do mean by that?
