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Help With Feedback/Brainstorming/Testing A Minigame


Catchable Floaty Thing
Apr 17, 2020
Title explains pretty well what I'm looking for - I have a minigame I've been working on since the game's release, all based on the idea of implementing some sort of combat system into AC.
I know that's not everybody's cup of tea, but for those of you who ARE interested, I'd love to get your opinion of the ideas I have so far, and help to change/flesh out anything that needs changing - and maybe most importantly, help test it out!

The basic premise is this: the fruit-strength-fullness meter is your health, but in reverse - each time you take damage, you eat fruit. When you can no longer eat fruit, you're dead. You deal damage with various tools, and every tool has its own special quirks, as well as items that actually function in multiplayer. Maybe even some interactive furniture, who knows!

So far I've got:

The Axe
Your basic melee weapon, deals one point of damage, or one fruit, per connected swing. Can also, of course, chop down trees - assuming you've got the sharp kind.

This one has the benefit of a clear hit connect with a sound effect and visual graphic.

The Shovel
Much the same as the axe, a melee weapon that deals one fruit of damage. But the shovel also has the benefit of being able to dig (who knew?) which can lead to Pitfall Traps (something that maybe also ought to deal damage), allows the user to heal by digging up (and hopefully promptly replacing) trees, can be useful for placing simple dirt hole obstacles and also removing flowers.

Likewise, the shovel has a clear graphic and sound effect for a confirmed hit.

The Net
In my mind, the net is best served not for dealing damage but for trapping a player in place, thus introducing the first "status effect" of sorts - Trapping or Freezing, the idea being that, once hit with the net, the player has to use a certain number of reactions before they can move again. Five sounds plausible to me, but maybe more would be good to make the effect of Freeing more meaningful. The best reaction to use, I reckon, would the Surprise reaction, since it has a quick, clear animation and it's one of the first everyone learns.

The main problem with the Net, as far as implementation, is that it's not as clear when it connects - though the net stops midswing when it does connect, so hopefully that'll be clear enough.

The Rod
The fishing rod is tricky for me - ultimately, I've concluded the most unique option that I think fits with the animation for when you use it when not facing a body of water would be a quick dodge. This seems like a particularly difficult function to monitor, with the slightly desynced display between games. Testing and brainstorming is especially necessary for this one.

The Slingshot
The slingshot is also tricky, because it seems like a clear enough candidate for a damage dealing tool, but with a tool that shoots straight up in the sky, the only way I can think to make it deal damage is if it only hits someone standing north of the user, and even then it's hard to validate the hit.

The Umbrella
The umbrella is an interesting case; I see it as a shield of sorts, but only for hits from behind, with the added feature of being able to counter a blow and deal the intended damage back at the assailant by twirling the umbrella at the moment the attack lands. Will need to be tested.

The Ladder
I see the ladder as another shield, but one that defends only against attacks that hit the character's right side.

The Watering Can
The watering can seems like a good way to introduce another status effect of sorts, but this time one pertaining to flowers: Thorns. If you water a patch of flowers, all flowers become thorns, which means that a player takes damage any time they run through a flower and the bloom is destroyed. The cans can also change thorns back to flowers.

The Wand
Wands are particularly powerful in the game as it stands, which is why I feel each spell ought to be limited to one use per match. But the basic concept of the wand involves changing the 8 outfit names to match the spells it can cast, those being:

Freeze!: Stop all enemy players from moving for five reactions

Damage!: All enemies eat a fruit

Slow!: All enemies are forced to walk instead of run

Free!: All frozen allies are able to move again

Hasten!: All slowed allies can run again

Thorns!: Turn all flowers to thorns, damaging players who break them

Flowers!: Revert all thorns to flowers

Buff!: All allies do an additional point of damage for their next attack

The Ocarina
The ocarina would buff every ally for an additional point of damage dealt on their every attack as long as the instrument is played, but if the player using it is hit they take an extra point of damage

The Pan Flute
The pan flute buffs every ally for an additional point of defense on every attack they receive as long as the instrument is played, but if the player using it is hit they take an extra point of damage

The Tambourine
As long as the player beats the tambourine continuously, their allies are immune to slowing, freezing, and thorns, but if the player using it is hit they take an extra point of damage

The Maracas
The maracas disable or prevent the use of whatever weapon enemies have in their hands when the shaking begins as long as the instrument is played, but if the player using it is hit they take an extra point of damage

The Uchiwa Fan
I figure this could simply be invulnerability for as long as the fan is being waved.

The Pennant
The pennant would be an aggro of sorts - all enemy players would have to run to the wielder of the pennant whenever they shake it, but they're absolutely still vulnerable during that time.

The Party Popper
I see party poppers as the "gun" of the series (especially after Smash Bros.), and so I figure as long as you're close enough and oriented properly for the confetti to land on your enemy, that'd be two points of damage. And they can be used indoors!

The Tweeter
The tweeter would disable whatever tool the enemy you're facing is using until reversed through another item, but maybe potentially can't be used again until that particular tool is reenabled, at least on that player - otherwise you could disable their every tool.

The Sparkler
Red sparklers would boost your allies' damage output by 1 as long as they burn, while blue sparklers would boost their defense by 1.

The Balloon
Holding the balloon would make you immune to freezing and thorns, and would allow you to free any frozen allies by standing beside them and 'bobbing' the balloon.

The Bubble Blower
The bubble blower would freeze the opponent you face, but also deal damage once the reactions are up if they aren't freed by that time.

The Megaphone
The megaphone would hasten any slowed allies, and maybe free any frozen ones? I'm not certain at this point.

The Bean-Tossing Kit
Beans tossed on an enemy would freeze them, and beans tossed on flowers would change all flowers to thorns, or thorns to flowers.

The Sparkling Cider
Cider, raised high, would enable disabled weapons.

Fish, shown off, would slow your enemies. At one point I had a different effect for each individual bug and fish, but it just got to be too complicated.

Bugs, shown off, would hasten your allies.

Snowflakes, shown off, would freeze your enemies.

Maple Leaves
Maple leaves, shown off, would free your allies.

Cherry Blossom Petals
And cherry blossom petals, shown off, would swap flowers and thorns, I'd think.

These five I don't have any solid concept for.

The Pinwheel
I see this as a potential self-restore of sorts, undoing freeze, slow, and weapon disable.

The Timer
The timer could work as a time bomb of sorts - strike the user within the time limit or your entire team dies instantly.

The Light Stick
I thought the light stick might work as a status swap: slow to hasten, freeze to free, thorn to flower, enable to disable, or vice-versa.

The Shamrock Soda
This one... I have no idea. Something simple, since it's a very quick gesture, but I don't want to just copy the cider...

Fountain Fireworks
I figured this one could also be a buff of sorts, or a debuff, for the duration of the burn, but I'm not quite sure what.

In addition to all of this, some interactive furniture may play a role. The most obvious to me is, of course, the toilet - the Pokémon Center of this little minigame experience. But I'm open to any additional ideas you might have!

I also thought it could be interesting for there to be an effect based on the fruit you choose to eat when you take damage, but it's possible that's simply too complicated to manage.

At any rate, I'd love to hear from anybody who thinks this sounds fun or interesting or has feedback or wants to help me test any of this out. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my loony ideas! Ciao!​
I think this is a really interesting idea and does seem fun to play.

My only concern is how hard it would be to moderate with all the different items you've included. Given how fast-paced this game would be I think you could benefit from trimming a lot of the items, especially ones past the wand. As an example even just the watering can would be impossible to keep track of for everyone playing. I think maybe the slingshot could be changed to work as an attack for different cliff tiers since it shoots up? It would be niche but a bit easier to track.

Very creative idea for a game! These are just my two cents on the rules.​
I agree with Sheep Villager. It’s a lot to keep track of. It’s a fun idea but it’ll be difficult to have an orderly game with everyone running around using different items.

In order to have a fair game, I think a referee would be necessary. To have an orderly game, I think the attacks and other moves should be turn-based. To easily determine moves, i think a gridded terraformed arena with cliffs and bodies of water would work as the battlefield.

3 on 3 games with a referee and someone to spin the number wheel to decide how many spaces a player moves, for a total of 8 players per game.

For the watering can idea I think the teams can only water the flower color designated to the team. Like team A can only water red flowers and team B can only water yellow flowers, and the flower patches are placed strategically on the battlefield, so that it is in your best interest to water them when you have the chance. And they can’t be de-thorned.

I think the fishing pole should work as a fishing pole. Let’s say the map is divided by a river. If you’re at a body of water you can use up a turn to fish thus subtracting 1 fruit from your “life meter” or storing it as a ration to use later in the game. Rations would be limited, of course.
The number wheel spinner can maybe have a way to tally how much fish each team has caught. Like drop a piece of fruit down each time a player “catches” a fish.

The slingshot can be used as a long range weapon. If you align yourself with an enemy player vertically/horizontally/diagonally you can attack from, let’s say, 4 spaces away.

Umbrellas can be used as shields which would mostly benefit the slingshot users. So if 2 “slinghotters” are facing off but one team member has an umbrella between their line of sight, the opposite teams slingshot attack would be deflected. Umbrella users can also act as a barricade since they can deflect all attacks.

Shovels can be used to dig a hole per turn, which can block movement onto a space, and the holes can only be filled by another shovel user. Shovels can also deal damage.

I like the idea of having the net stop a player from moving. Maybe the net can prevent a player from moving for 2 turns.

I also like the idea of the ocarina buffing attack power. Maybe have one buried somewhere on the map, and the first team to dig it up can save it in their inventory and play it at an opportune moment in the game. And it only works for 3 attacks per player.

I like the wand idea too, but again I think it’s something that should be buried on the arena and the first team to find it can store it in their inventory.

To shorten the game length, I think some weapons should deal more damage. Slingshots deal 1 fruit, shovels deal 2 fruit, axes deal 3 fruit, thorns deal 1 fruit per flower. So if you move through 2 spaces of flowers that’s 2 damage. And if you’re stuck in thorns for 2 moves, that’s 2 damage.

Maybe it can be a capture the flag type game, so players have an incentive other than destroying the other team.

Phew, I got carried away, lol. But I love the idea overall. And I get if you wouldn’t like it to be turn-based. Just throwing some ideas out there. Good luck!
My only concern is how hard it would be to moderate with all the different items you've included. Given how fast-paced this game would be I think you could benefit from trimming a lot of the items, especially ones past the wand. As an example even just the watering can would be impossible to keep track of for everyone playing. I think maybe the slingshot could be changed to work as an attack for different cliff tiers since it shoots up? It would be niche but a bit easier to track.​

This is also my concern, but I'm hoping to keep as much as possible for the sake of having as much variation in playstyle as possible. Hopefully I can get a team of folks together willing to playtest it all out and see what can work and what can't.

But I honestly love the change to the slingshot! I think that's a fantastic idea, making it even more niche gives it more of a purpose beside other simple damage-dealing tools. Thank you! And do let me know if you're interested in helping me test it out, I'd love to have you. ^o^
In order to have a fair game, I think a referee would be necessary. To have an orderly game, I think the attacks and other moves should be turn-based. To easily determine moves, i think a gridded terraformed arena with cliffs and bodies of water would work as the battlefield.

3 on 3 games with a referee and someone to spin the number wheel to decide how many spaces a player moves, for a total of 8 players per game.

I actually have one of these built! And I've dreaded the possibility that it ought to be turn-based from the beginning, I want to TRY to keep it real-time as much as possible, and try to keep refs unnecessary as best as we can, but if it ends up being essential then so be it. My goal has always been a system that works anywhere, anytime, so it could also be turned into an RPG of sorts on specially curated islands.​

For the watering can idea I think the teams can only water the flower color designated to the team. Like team A can only water red flowers and team B can only water yellow flowers, and the flower patches are placed strategically on the battlefield, so that it is in your best interest to water them when you have the chance. And they can’t be de-thorned.

I definitely think this is worth working into testing, but I hope to retain as much utility as possible for the sake of aforementioned flexibility.​

I think the fishing pole should work as a fishing pole. Let’s say the map is divided by a river. If you’re at a body of water you can use up a turn to fish thus subtracting 1 fruit from your “life meter” or storing it as a ration to use later in the game. Rations would be limited, of course.
The number wheel spinner can maybe have a way to tally how much fish each team has caught. Like drop a piece of fruit down each time a player “catches” a fish.

I like this concept, but it's tricky to implement with the actual in-game mechanics - since catching a fish doesn't actually take any... er... fruit strength (whatever they call it lol)
I thought maybe a tripwire effect might be interesting for when you can actually cast it into water and somebody runs in between, maybe it freezes or slows, or both?​

The slingshot can be used as a long range weapon. If you align yourself with an enemy player vertically/horizontally/diagonally you can attack from, let’s say, 4 spaces away.

I thought this would be good also, but I'm starting to think Sheep has the right idea with the multi-tiered attack, especially since there's really no other way to do that now other than to climb up there yourself.​

Umbrellas can be used as shields which would mostly benefit the slingshot users. So if 2 “slinghotters” are facing off but one team member has an umbrella between their line of sight, the opposite teams slingshot attack would be deflected. Umbrella users can also act as a barricade since they can deflect all attacks.

Yeah this is a lot of the original vision I had for umbrellas/ladders/uchiwa fan users, acting as a sort of barricade for the more support-oriented players, like somebody using a sparkler or a wand.​

Shovels can be used to dig a hole per turn, which can block movement onto a space, and the holes can only be filled by another shovel user. Shovels can also deal damage.

I think this is what gets to me about the turn-based combat - I don't want to keep players from doing something they CAN do (even though a lot of the game is based around that lol), at least I want to limit the amount of things one can't do. So I figure the time it takes to fill a hole in is more than enough penalty in exchange for the power to dig holes.​

I also like the idea of the ocarina buffing attack power. Maybe have one buried somewhere on the map, and the first team to dig it up can save it in their inventory and play it at an opportune moment in the game. And it only works for 3 attacks per player.

I like the wand idea too, but again I think it’s something that should be buried on the arena and the first team to find it can store it in their inventory.

I like the idea of potentially hiding items for use later, but I think mainly in a curated RPG setting like I'd mentioned earlier. I'd like, rather than putting a limit on the utility of the instruments, to give a real penalty to anyone caught playing one - but maybe it's better to up that penalty to anyone hit while HOLDING it, and maybe make it +2 damage as opposed to just 1?​

To shorten the game length, I think some weapons should deal more damage. Slingshots deal 1 fruit, shovels deal 2 fruit, axes deal 3 fruit, thorns deal 1 fruit per flower. So if you move through 2 spaces of flowers that’s 2 damage. And if you’re stuck in thorns for 2 moves, that’s 2 damage.

This was actually literally my original vision, but I wasn't sure if the extra utility of those tools made them overpowered, since shovels can accomplish so much and are a method of healing while axes can stop you from healing at all. I think if anything I'd buff the axe to 2 damage.​

Maybe it can be a capture the flag type game, so players have an incentive other than destroying the other team.

I thought of this too, and really the more variants we can have the better!​

Phew, I got carried away, lol. But I love the idea overall. And I get if you wouldn’t like it to be turn-based. Just throwing some ideas out there. Good luck!

No no, not at all, this is spectacular and way more than I was expecting or even hoping for! Thank you very much, you've given me a lot of great feedback and if you're at all interested in helping to test it I'd be very happy to have you as well c:​