Help! Why won't this tree grow?


Senior Crosser
Oct 18, 2012

It's not too close to the house, its a 5 chain so I just don't know...
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Yeah. Bushes and flowers are the only things that can grow right next to other plants.
I have a similar problem, only it's on a spot that's NOWHERE near anything. It's smack in the middle of a perfectly blank patch, no houses, no rivers, bamboo, or houses, and yet it still won't grow. Anyone know why that is?
I have a similar problem, only it's on a spot that's NOWHERE near anything. It's smack in the middle of a perfectly blank patch, no houses, no rivers, bamboo, or houses, and yet it still won't grow. Anyone know why that is?

I've had that problem too when I planted stuff on ex-villager's plot. You have to wait for the grass to gros back, and then they grow :3
I have a similar problem, only it's on a spot that's NOWHERE near anything. It's smack in the middle of a perfectly blank patch, no houses, no rivers, bamboo, or houses, and yet it still won't grow. Anyone know why that is?

There are some spots that are just dead spots and nothing will grow in them. I'm not sure what the mechanics are behind that though.
I have a similar problem, only it's on a spot that's NOWHERE near anything. It's smack in the middle of a perfectly blank patch, no houses, no rivers, bamboo, or houses, and yet it still won't grow. Anyone know why that is?

Dead spots I think. Your town will have random ones where things can't grow.

Aand bamboo counts as a tree so you can't plant anything next to it.
Sorry to hijack the thread, but I got a question about those dead spots. Is there a way for you to pin-point out dead spots before wasting saplings on them? If so, do they normally appear in those dirt areas where you can't ever grow grass on?
I have a similar problem, only it's on a spot that's NOWHERE near anything. It's smack in the middle of a perfectly blank patch, no houses, no rivers, bamboo, or houses, and yet it still won't grow. Anyone know why that is?

other than what everyone else has already said are you trying to grow a cedar sapling in the south half of your town?
You all are so confused. As long as a sapling has one square free in every direction, it will grow. Trees do grow in "dead spots," I know from experience. You all are probably just trying to grow cedars in the southern half of your town (p.s. - it's impossible).
You all are so confused. As long as a sapling has one square free in every direction, it will grow. Trees do grow in "dead spots," I know from experience. You all are probably just trying to grow cedars in the southern half of your town (p.s. - it's impossible).
That is unless you come across a chain situation. I'm more curious about these dead spots that seem to be mentioned by many, but very little info about its nature.
It's too close to that bamboo shoot, that is your problem.

This is right. In order to plant a tree that actually grows, it needs to have at least 1 space in-between other trees/bamboo shoots. Use your patterns for reference, that's what I do; 1 pattern space is required between trees/bamboo shoots when you're planting more trees.

Trees will also die if there are too many saplings planted/trees that are already in the area. You can't plant too many saplings at once- some of them will surely die. Trees cannot grow too close to a river or pond or any body of water- make some space. I believe the space between water and a new sapling is the same as before, just 1 space. I have a line of trees in my village 1 space away from a river.

When I'm planting a new forest, I tend to only plant 3 saplings a day in one spot. Planting more somewhere else is fine, it's just that too many saplings in one place tends to muck things up. I do this 1 space in-between and all of my trees have grown normally with this method.
other than what everyone else has already said are you trying to grow a cedar sapling in the south half of your town?

I...yeah, actually. Since when could they not grow in the south? Grrr is that seriously a game feature? There was one there by default when I made the town and I chopped it down not thinking anything of it. How short-sighted of me for thinking I could grow trees anywhere in my town in a game that prides itself on customization. :p
Oh no Im so upset about the cedars not growing in the south... I guess my idea of a cedar forest around my house is out now.. hmm guess Ill have to plant something else. Thanks for all the help guys :) Im sure everyones answers will be answered :)
That really ticks me off. Why on earth would they make it so no cedars can grow in the southern half of the map? The grass wear's a dumb idea, the dead spots are a dumb idea, and now this. Was it like this in Wild World? I'm pretty sure I remember being able to plant trees any darn where in that game, but it was a long time ago so I'm not sure.

All I know is I want to strangle the idiot who made the design docs for this game.
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I...yeah, actually. Since when could they not grow in the south? Grrr is that seriously a game feature? There was one there by default when I made the town and I chopped it down not thinking anything of it. How short-sighted of me for thinking I could grow trees anywhere in my town in a game that prides itself on customization. :p

called it! yeah, it's a thing. i know friends who have reset towns because they want a cedar forest around their house and they misplaced it near the coast. sorry : p
I read about plant like pine tree can't grow at the south side of your town =x not sure bout this~