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  • OMG! My sister deleted people again! Plus the glitchy hamster came back and I had to reset my whole town again in New Leaf! I found the problem with my old Cosmo Black 3DS too and gave it to her, she sold it! I got the Pink and White 3DS XL now and haven't had issues yet.
    I won't be able to make it at 1 I'll be going down to the store in a bit unfortunately. I'm hoping to be home around 2-3. When is another convenient time for you?
    Lucky us we're both on central time! I 'm going to bed soon as well. I'm pretty sure I can do 1-2 central time. If not, I'll let you know when I'll be available. I'll keep an out for you :)
    You don't have to give me anything for it. But if you'd like, we can do 5k? It cost 4,800 bells I think.
    I saw that you wanted an Aquarius Urn. They're re-orederable I can order you one if you'd like? Let me know.
    I restarted my NewLeaf game a few days ago.
    The new town is called DarkRose.
    So if you ever see that my gate is open and you are online, stop by.
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