Help, Isabelle says my island is a train wreck...


Oct 14, 2020
OK she didn't really say that... what she did say is:


Whatever it is that is causing this dropped our island rating down to 4-stars. I've made changes but can't seem to locate the offending area. I think I've narrowed it down to either my fish shop which I built on the beach and admittedly has to be awkwardly walked around - BUT it can be walked around on two sides without a jump step. - or a recent bunch of decorations we did on Wolfgang's house which is also on the beach. No picture of that one sorry but although it's tight it can be walked all around without a jump step.

Anyone have any input on this? If it is my fish store then we'll probably just have to live with it because I put a lot of time and energy into that and I'm stubborn and not going to tear it down or move it.
Thank you again everyone - I finally figured it out that it was my recently expanded barn building that was offending her lol. I reduced the interior from four silos to two and we went back to 5 stars. Thank god it wasnt my fish shop because I'm still very attached to it haha
Thank you again everyone - I finally figured it out that it was my recently expanded barn building that was offending her lol. I reduced the interior from four silos to two and we went back to 5 stars. Thank god it wasnt my fish shop because I'm still very attached to it haha

Glad you got it worked out! Your fish market looks great! I'm thinking about doing one too!