Hello everyone :3


Junior Member
Nov 4, 2023
Hello my name is Hannah and I’m from the UK. I have been playing ACNH on switch for just over a year. I’ve recently over the summer taken my gameplay a bit more seriously and have completed the 5* Island and Paradise Planning DLC. I am currently working on finishing my museum and filling the critterpedia. I am also building a castle structure on my island for the museum to sit in that goes across various levels.

My fav islander is Octavian (lol never thought I’d say that). He wouldn’t have been my first choice but has grown on me and now I wouldn’t ever get rid of him. Dream islander would be Ione.
Welcome to the forums Hannah! 🎉✨

Octavian is cute! It's funny how the villagers can grow on you. I definitely found that with my two starting villagers. 😊

Was New Horizons your first AC game?
What is your favorite thing you've done with your island so far?
I think discovering the custom designs and making my plaza area! I’m in the process of creating a castle which is fun but not finished yet! Yourself?
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Welcome to the forums Hannah! 🎉✨

Octavian is cute! It's funny how the villagers can grow on you. I definitely found that with my two starting villagers. 😊

Was New Horizons your first AC game?
Thank you! It was - I think where I’ve only just discovered the wider world on the internet it’s made it come alive a lot more! Have you played many of the games?
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Hello and welcome! Octavian is one of my favorite villagers as well!
Yay a fellow Octavian fan! Who are your other villagers? About to go villager hunting… really want Ione. I also love Lopez on my island and enjoying Bianca. Hoping Nana might leave… mean but we just haven’t gelled!
I think discovering the custom designs and making my plaza area! I’m in the process of creating a castle which is fun but not finished yet! Yourself?
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Thank you! It was - I think where I’ve only just discovered the wider world on the internet it’s made it come alive a lot more! Have you played many of the games?
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Yay a fellow Octavian fan! Who are your other villagers? About to go villager hunting… really want Ione. I also love Lopez on my island and enjoying Bianca. Hoping Nana might leave… mean but we just haven’t gelled!
I like Shari, Pietro, Sprinkle, Apple, Molly, Biff, and pretty much most of them lol. My favorites list is always changing, but I have a few constants.
I think discovering the custom designs and making my plaza area! I’m in the process of creating a castle which is fun but not finished yet! Yourself?
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Thank you! It was - I think where I’ve only just discovered the wider world on the internet it’s made it come alive a lot more! Have you played many of the games?
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Yay a fellow Octavian fan! Who are your other villagers? About to go villager hunting… really want Ione. I also love Lopez on my island and enjoying Bianca. Hoping Nana might leave… mean but we just haven’t gelled!
I'm a huge flower fan so I've created quite a few garden areas. Working on a botanical garden and a statue garden currently.
hello hannah, welcome to the forums! i hope you’ve been enjoying it here so far! 💕

congrats on reaching 5 stars and completing the dlc! your island sounds so lovely, especially the castle structure! i wish you luck with finishing it, as well as the museum and your critterpedia!

octavian is so cute! i had him on my island during my first few months with the game, and he was such a fun dude to have around, haha. it’s crazy how villagers can grow on you unexpectedly when you have them! i’ve had a few grow on me as well, namely pietro, del, and zucker.

i hope you’re able to get ione on your island eventually! she’s such a cutie. ✨💙
Thank you! It was - I think where I’ve only just discovered the wider world on the internet it’s made it come alive a lot more! Have you played many of the games?

Oh, sorry, I missed seeing your reply sooner!

I had played the Pocket Camp app before New Horizons, but New Horizons was my first real AC game too! 🏝️

I would love to know if you were successful villager hunting for Ione! I know when I was looking for Megan, it took me around 100 tickets, which I was pretty happy with honestly, but I know other people have had more success and less success finding their favourites! 😊