Have you ever dropped your phone like a clumsy fool?

uhh one(1) time back in year 9 i dropped it in the changing rooms and it shattered which was. fun.
I've dropped my phone a few times and my iPod has been dropped at least 20 times (including multiple times on hardwood). Neither have ever cracked, probably due to the cases.
i drop mine way more than i should tbh. luckily, it hasn't broke yet though.
i drop my phone multiple times a day- it's awful... all my friends and teachers call me butterfingers because i drop everything all the time :')

i'm a total klutz just stay away before i accidentally break everything you care about
Its only been 5 days, Yet I feel totally normal with my screen cracked. What is wrong with me?
I've dropped mine on my face numerous times and maybe a few times on the floor. I've never cracked a screen though! Hopefully that doesn't change with the glass back iphones.. Q_Q
I constantly drop mine, either on the floor or on myself, I'm surprised I've never cracked it before