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Has ACNH helped you through a tough time?


🐴 Devoted to Buck! 🐴 (UK)
May 26, 2022
Tasty Cake
Orange Hybrid Rose
Purple Hybrid Rose
White Rose
Pink Hybrid Rose
Yellow Rose
Red Rose
Red Rose
Black Hybrid Rose
Red Rose
I apologise to the mods if this isn’t in the correct section. I couldn’t make up my mind to write this, but I think as it’s helped me it’s worth it.

My Mum got taken away by ambulance from home, on Friday, September 30. She had suffered a suspected stroke, later that night I was told by the doctor she had suffered several seizures and they were hopeful as they still had medications options to try. However, just after that when I was with her, she suffered another seizure in front of me and I saw the crash team running into her. That moment will remain with me for the rest of my life. Shortly after that, I was informed by the doctor that there was a slim chance she would recover. My heart broke; I couldn’t believe it, as she had been in perfect health apart from her mobility which made her housebound for approximately 5 years. She passed on Thursday, October 6 at 11:14am (BST). Her funeral is on Wednesday, at 11:30 (BST). It’s been the toughest 2 weeks of my life. She was only 68, and feels as if she was taken way too soon.

The reason I’m writing this as she absolutely loved watching me play Animal Crossing New Horizons. She liked New Leaf, but ACNH was her favourite. Although I’ve not had much time to play or been on the forums much over the past 2 weeks, I’ve been dipping in and out and it’s been a comfort. I got New Horizons in February and at the beginning she wasn’t really bothered but as I kept showing her the villagers, she became addicted. She would love to watch me play every day. I would often give her my Switch and she would love to roam my island, talking to my villagers, but her favourite was exploring the museum. She was amazed by the graphics, and every little detail. When she was in the museum she would always go up to The Roost to see if there was anyone in for a coffee. She would always like to see the stock in Nook’s Cranny and the Able Sisters.

My villagers - the same as me she loved Buck, but her favourite was Kidd. I was never that fussed on Kidd and couldn’t see the attraction, but now he holds a very special place for me along with Buck. She always said that King Buck should be the only one to get a Royal Crown, but now Kidd has one too. @CylieDanny made a touching suggestion that Buck should remain King, and Kidd should be a Prince. Perfect suggestion, so now he’s known as Prince Kidd.

Al – she thought he was great too, she thought his tummy showing and his behind was hilarious. She said he looks very cuddly. I gave Lionel a bandana with ears one day as an accident, and he often wears it, and that amused her, as it isn’t Lionel’s style! :ROFLMAO:

Happy Home Paradise - She would browse through the catalogue and would say to me: ‘Oh, look at that, that’s lovely.’ When I showed her Wardell for the first time she thought he was adorable. Especially when he would go for a swim. Onto DJ KK, she always enjoyed K.K. Slider’s performances but she could sit for literally an hour watching DJ KK. She loved to see all the villagers dancing and dressed in their party outfits. 🤩

Redd – She was always asking me each day, is Redd there? Even though she called him a rogue, she loved going into his boat and would always say when I bought a painting/statue: ‘When you take that to Blathers tomorrow, it will be a fake.’ Sometimes I got the laugh when it was real, but more than often she got the laugh when old Blathers refused my art. 🤣

My 2nd island – In June I got another Switch and another copy of ACNH, and she was hooked on watching me building my island from scratch.

Visitors/Flying – Anytime I was doing a trade, she always wanted to see what the other islanders looked like and loved flying over the islands. Again @CylieDanny is such a sweetheart and let me visit their island, and returned the favour and came over to mine to meet King Buck.

Special events – She was especially looking forward to Christmas on Hazzard, that brings a tear to my eye that she won’t see that or Halloween, as she wanted to go trick or treating with Jack. However, in one way she did see an ACNH Christmas, as I time travel on my 2nd island, and in August I put it forward to December. She was amazed how it looked, and loved the Christmas trees.

Brewster/Tom Nook - Brewster is very special to me as she knew how much I love pigeons, she bought me a Brewster soft toy. She also bought me a Tom Nook as she liked to watch his morning broadcasts in the early stages of the game.

There are so many more memories of New Horizons that when I walk around my islands remind me of her, and New Horizons will always have a special place in my heart. The flower fields especially as she was a florist, but she was always on at me to pick the weeds. Once everything has settled I’m going to make a special place on both of my islands in her memory. I think the purpose of writing this was that people have said before video games/ACNH has got them through tough times, and I now can agree with that.

Finally, I want to say thanks to everyone who has sent me messages of support: @Drawdler , @FraudulentDimetrodon , @TheDuke55 , @BrokenSanity and @Mr_Persona. But I have to say a special thanks to @S.J. (Who drew me the most cute picture of Kidd wearing a Royal Crown, I managed to show my Mum, and she loved it especially from someone as far as Australia) and @CylieDanny . I will never ever forget your kindness and you’ve been there for me every step of the way. Even though you are on the other side of the world and we’ve never met, you’ve been more supportive than some people I know. If I’ve forgotten anyone, I apologise. Playing ACNH is a great comfort and it brings a smile to my face as she loved it so much. I’m sorry it’s a bit rambled but I was writing it as I thought about it. I will need to take plenty of screenshots of Buck and Kidd to post!

Thanks for reading, Jenny. ❤️
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I am so sorry for all your going through. @themysterybidder . Video games can definitely be a comfort. New leaf got me through the worst time in my life. New horizons kept me sane through the pandemic. The last few days have been bad and I know NH will get me through the days ahead. Praying for healing for you and strength.
Yes, I lost my mom in 2020 after a ten month battle with gastric cancer. I also was more depressed than usual around that time and didn't have very many friends as well as not being around other people that much since I had already graduated from uni. ACNH isn't my favorite AC game, but it certainly did help comfort me during those times, even if it was just to log on and do daily tasks before logging off again.

Sorry to hear about what you're going through.
i am so, so sorry for your loss, jenny. i can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through. 💔 i know we haven’t really talked before, but you seem like such a lovely person. every time i see you around, you’re spreading kindness or sharing your love for buck with us, and i enjoy reading your posts a lot. you’re one of the loveliest souls on the forums imo, i’m so sorry that you’re going through such a tough time right now. i may not be able to relate entirely, but my pms are always open if you ever need to vent. i’d be happy to listen. ♥️

i don’t have the energy or motivation to play new horizons much anymore, but it’s helped me through some tough times as well. i would’ve gone insane during the pandemic without new horizons tbh haha. trading with others and occasionally playing with my friends was my main, and sometimes only, way of socializing with other people for 1.5-2 years, and even though that probably sounds sad lol, it really made me feel less isolated and alone. it made the uncertainties of the future, the scary stuff going on in the world, and being trapped with my family + the stress of that and everything going on in my household a little more bearable. i actually wouldn’t have the friends i have now if it weren’t for new horizons bringing me back to tbt after a hiatus, so i have it to thank for that as well. <3 honestly have no idea where i’d be without them.

new horizons also got me through when my childhood cat/best friend, zeva, died back in november. the 2.0 update launched, like... 2 days after she passed, so engaging in that was a good distraction. i honestly spent that first week pretending that the loss never happened, and new horizons helped with that a lot. i could just zone out while playing and not think about her for an hour or two, and i really needed that. i’m trying to get back into playing again, and it’s already helping me cope a bit with the 1 year anniversary of her passing coming up. sept-nov is a rough time of year for me now, so playing has helped get my mind off of that, at least for a little while.
I am so sorry for your loss. Like Xara has said, seeing you on the forums spreading your love of Buck and just your overall friendliness have been something that I enjoy reading. Especially all the great and sometimes intentionally silly pictures you've taken to document your progress with NH.

It is great that many can find solace with a calm and pleasant game like Animal Crossing. That was New Leaf with me because it was during a difficult time. I stopped playing in early 2015 but picked it back up around 2016 and met a bunch of wonderful people and some are still my friends to this day. The pandemic saw me working almost every day so I wasn't able to play NH as much as I wanted to. I really should get back into the game.

Don't hesitate to message me if you ever need/want to talk. Xara is right, many of us would be happy to listen and lend an ear.
Yeah, as I’ve said I’m sorry to hear about your loss ): It didn’t connect for me hearing about you at the time to share this, but yes- ACNH also helped me with someone who passed away. I had a friend who really was just one of those people that never had drama with others and he was really genuine. Me and my circle miss him, well, we don’t talk about him a lot. But, he was immunocompromised and I’ve had a few friends suffering from that now- it really seems awful for them. This game helped because I made a little grave for my friend. It’s not much, but hey, it was the least I could do. I’ve been wanting to make a player house for him but it’s been so long and I still don’t feel ready to do that yet. Until then I will keep that grave in my town but I think he would be happier seeing me make something cool out of this if it makes sense. Otherwise it did generally help with my loneliness and has probably kept some creative thinking going even if I don’t draw much anymore.

I didn’t really have a good childhood so WW and NL helped me through them 100% (WW was the only time I felt like I was getting along with my dad because we would play it together) but that’s my story with NH.

sorry to hear about all the loss in this thread. I’m really tired and don’t have much to say but if anyone needs an ear I can try and Jenny again I’m glad I could help some
Wow, Im super touched by how much Ive helped you through your loss 😢

Its really sweet of you, and know I'll always be here, and Im glad it helped.. Its really touching how so many of us helped you, and @S.J. drew that adorable drawing for you. Its so cute~ Know we have your back ♡

Your such a sweet, loving, forgiving person and Im so sorry this happened to you. Its truely heart breaking, even just to read it made me so sad for you. Just hearing how simply visiting my island helped you, Im so glad it did, or susgesting you call Kidd a prince. Im happy those little ideas really helped you. If you need Sasha therapy feel free to visit ♡

I suspose it helped me through Covid, mostly because it kept my mind creative, and I was under so much pain and missery. I couldnt see my friends, I couldnt really eat, walking made me, also couldnt get my coffee lol. But it did help me, just talking to the folks, even though they arnt physically real life humans put my mind at ease. I mean, they are meant to be the rep's friends, and just goofing around on the game helped a bit. I even reconstructed my entire island, which was funish lol. It still kept me sane.

I still cant imagine what you went through, I really wish I knew you in real life to help you more. I hope things get better for you. King Buck, Al, Lolly, Felicity, Vic, Boomer, Roscoe, Ribbot, Lionel, and of course prince Kidd are there to help too


We all love you, and I hope you continue to stay as strong as you are ♡

Stay excellent ♡♡
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I'm so sorry about your Mom. She sounded like a really cool person and took time to share your interests as well. Losing a parent hurts at any age. 💔
New Horizons came along a few months after I lost my best cat of 14 years, Pooky. I named the island in his honor and have all-cat villagers. I have a little area near my in-game house in his memory and have a white cat on my flag. Also have the song Memory for my town tune. It's been cathartic for me to design this island and kept my mind from dwelling constantly on his loss.
Thank you so much to everyone who has replied. It is really nice to read your experiences of how Animal Crossing has helped you during difficult times too.

I am so, so sorry for your loss, jenny. i can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through. 💔 i know we haven’t really talked before, but you seem like such a lovely person. every time i see you around, you’re spreading kindness or sharing your love for buck with us, and i enjoy reading your posts a lot. you’re one of the loveliest souls on the forums imo, i’m so sorry that you’re going through such a tough time right now. i may not be able to relate entirely, but my pms are always open if you ever need to vent. i’d be happy to listen. ♥️
Thank you so much @xara . You made me cry a happy tear when reading your post. 😘
I am so sorry for your loss. Like Xara has said, seeing you on the forums spreading your love of Buck and just your overall friendliness have been something that I enjoy reading. Especially all the great and sometimes intentionally silly pictures you've taken to document your progress with NH.
Once I'm back into the game properly I'm going to make it my mission to spread some more silliness in my Hazzard Journal! That made me laugh @TheDuke55, as long as it's not referring to King Buck! 🤣

@CylieDanny What a lovely post. You've done it again, you've made me smile! 😊 You've helped me more than I could ever tell you, I think know if we knew each other in real life we would be great friends. In saying that, never let anyone tell you forum friends can't be just as good as real life friends, they are sometimes better! You've been more of a comfort than people in real life! I will never ever forget your kindness, just having a chat about villagers has been lovely. It's taken my mind away from thinking about my Mum at the end and made me think of happy times with her and Animal Crossing. I really enjoyed the island tour, even creepy Shino with her fangs! 🤣
Jenny, I’m so sorry for your deep loss.

I truly believe that our loved ones who passed on can still be with us, can still look out for us, celebrate our important moments and comfort us, just in a different way.

My first AC game was Wild World. I was hooked the moment i turned it off and saw the villagers kept walking around, talking and even fighting amongst themselves without my doing anything lol.

That game saved me during a low period in my life by giving me something to giggle over every day.

And NH def saved my sanity during the pandemic lockdowns. Spending the time with online friends I made in NL and visiting each other’s islands was such a blessing, I’m truly grateful I had that.

Sending you love & prayers,
I can’t believe we haven’t spoken and I am so heartbroken for all you have been through ❤️ If I can ever do anything for you. As a daughter I have been through a lot of heartbreak with parents so I do understand 🌷💖

As a mum I love the close bond that you had with your mum and a shared love of animal crossing. During the pandemic lockdown of 2020, New Horizons gave my son and I a lot of fun times together which I so enjoyed. We have always had fun with animal crossing. It became our thing. I couldn’t imagine how grateful I could be when I bought us a family present of the wii one Christmas and thought Animal Crossing just looked like a cute stocking filler. it has strengthened our relationship and bond.

If you ever need anything I am always around 💜 Love and prayers 🌷💖
After a very stressful and busy 3 weeks, this was the first time I started to play again properly. I filled out my journal and posted some screenshots. I couldn't believe Vic gave me his photo (2nd one), as my Mum and I always joked that Vic was the most miserable villager as no matter what I gave him, he wouldn't part with a photo! :ROFLMAO: Also, got a photo from Boomer, she always loved when villagers gave out their photos. I opened up my giveaway, and other threads again. Also, arranged my spare DIYs into list form so it's easier to see what I've got. I really enjoyed just to escape for a few hours, as it seems to be early morning that are the hardest part of the day for me. I always get up early, as I would get up and do housework, etc first thing about 4-5am then help my Mum for the rest of the day. Plus, with my arthritis I don't get much sleep anyway. So, ACNH and the forum are a welcome distraction especially at that time, as I do tend to get most upset then as there is no-one else awake at that time so I have a cry and then remember the fun times and my tears turn to laughter tears. Thank you to everyone who has replied or sent DMs, I genuinely mean this, they are much, much appreciated and I will never forget your kindness to someone who is on the other side of the world! I think I've said this before, but never let anyone tell you forum friends are not real, they are sometimes better than real life friends/family, as I've experienced these past few weeks. Thank you again, Jenny. ❤️
You are such an amazing, generous kind person . Even with all your going through you still make time to help others. I am so thankful for your help. I would love to help you with your DIY giveaway. Having two islands gets me a good amount of duplicates I can send your way so you can help more people. If you need anything let me know.
I’m sorry for your loss. You seem like such an amazing person. It sucks you have to go through that. Animal Crossing was my stress-reliever. I played Wild World everyday coming back from school. It took my mind off being bullied. The villagers were actually friends for me. I knew they weren’t fake. I always had trouble opening up to people because I’ve had people pretend to be my friend or they only hung around me because they felt bad. I don’t want to be invited at lunch to come sit with you because you feel bad that I’m sitting alone. Most of the time I avoided the cafeteria. Do you know how much attention I’d draw to myself sitting alone, especially when kids can’t seem to mind their own business?

Anyway, the series really helped me when it felt like I had nobody. The villagers were there and I knew virtual pixels couldn’t have ulterior motives.
it definitely has. i remember playing it when i wasn't in such a good place or in a good relationship. i often turned to making my home beautiful, making my island beautiful and unique, in order to tune out the parts of my life that hurt. i even frequented this forum because the community was warm and i could get items i never dreamed of having before. if it wasn't for what i had then, i don't think i would have made it as long as i did.
It got me through the quarantine of 2020. Unfortunately the native flowers overtook my Island in less than five months. And I mean it really got out of hand to the point that my Islanders were complaining about them.