Getting back villagers that were originally yours? PLEASE HELP


Junior Member
Jan 29, 2014
Okay so my friend had Cube living in her town. We wifi and go to eachothers towns all the time, etc etc.
Cube moved out of her town. The same cube moved into my town (said he was cube from her town). She loved him, she wants him back. So now I got Cube to pack up and say hes moving. So hes on packing day now and shes trying to get him to move back. My question is will he move back because hes originally hers? Or does the whole 16-villager cycle thing still apply to her?

I figured maybe since its her original villager she could get him back or something
Also, were the only people that visit eachothers towns, so is it possible that maybe even without the "move-in" prompt that Cube will just auto-move back into her town because they tend to do that with the last wifi town thingy?
I guess 16 cycle apply to every villagers regardless original or not =x
If she talks to him, he should move back

Nope, doesn't work that way. Once they're out, they're out until you've cycled 16 villagers. So once he's moved out of your town, he will not appear back in your friends', he'll just be plain gone. Vanished. Poof.

Shoulda held onto him. Sorry. :/