Getting a villager to move out/TT: Advice?


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2014
Story: Okay, so I had Keaton all set to move out, I was talking to him every day and telling him to move out, and when moving day finally came he wasn't in boxes. I apologized to the person I'd promised him to, and she said it was fine and she'd wait for him to be moving again. Two days later, he decided to move again, So I reported his new moving date to the girl and she was scheduled to come pick him up on his box day... and then, when I talked to him the day before his move, he repeated the exact same thing he'd said to me the last time this happened: something along the lines of "That was the part where you were supposed to stop me from leaving. I'd be too sad to say good-bye like this. Please let me stay here in town a little longer..." I looked around online, and apparently that's a cue that the villager has changed his mind. I had no idea. So! They say that if you just don't talk to them at all until they're in boxes, they won't do that. But I have to get him to move out again, because in addition to having him promised and failed to deliver to this poor girl twice now, I'm also lined up to adopt one of my dreamies once he's gone, and that dreamie moves on September 1st.

Phew! Okay, so.

Question: How would you go about getting a specific villager to move? I don't have any baby trees anymore, so I'm willing to TT. And I tried that, I think I went a total of 3 or 4 days forward, one at a time, and talked to him and all of my favorites over and over, to see if anybody was planning on moving. I chickened out and set the date back to current, and when I did, another villager asked me about moving! So: If I just move the day back and forth by one, like set it to August 30th and then back to the 29th and so on, will that work just as well as moving ahead continually? Would the diving/ping method work, where you just jump in the water, wait 5 minutes, then go get the villager to ping you over and over? Or do I actually need to be TTing? I'm so scared of TT accidents! I'm being so careful!

I'm so new, so I'm sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place? As far as I can tell this is where I should be lol. Thanks!
Villager moving out is kinda confusing and it's hard to give you an exact for sure way to make it work~.
Here's what works best for me. First of all you'll want to enact the beautiful town ordinance because unless you have a lot of time this will require time travel. If you have this enacted fewer weeds will show up and your flowers won't wilt as well as a few other things.
Secondly you'll want to make sure when you're Time traveling you change the time through your 3DS clock not the in game clock as it causes more in game damage if you don't.
Once you pay for that and then time travel forward a day you're ready to go. What you want to do is talk to every single one of your villagers. Then you'll time travel forward 1 day and talk to every single villager except Keaton at least once. You're going to continue this cycle of time traveling a day, and talking to every single villager besides Keaton for 7 days.
By the seventh day he should ping you to say he's moving. If he pings you about something else that doesn't necessarily mean he won't ping you about moving later.
If another villager pings about moving you will have to start the whole process over again.
When you have moved him out and are ready to change the date back you can change the date back to the start date/current date all in one step without time traveling each day back because if you do that the game only sees it as you moved 1 day.

I hope I explained this clearly~!

Helpful tip~! If you pick one of your villagers and talk to them about 10 times every day you time travel forward they will probably let you know if someone is planning to move.