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Five ways the American Civil War was worse than World War II


Apple Imperialist
Sep 9, 2014
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Since it is the 75th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor bombing (and that the 100th anniversary of the Zimmermann Telegram is impending), I decided to create a blog entry about some of the greatest wars in history and compare between two of them.

If you had to compile a list of the five worst wars in history, you wouldn't be surprised to see both of these wars at the top two. We could also throw in the war in Vietnam, WWI, and the war in Iraq into that list. Clearly, World War II was the worst war. The Holocaust, the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the entire conflict in China, and the idea that entire nations are involved in the war really prove this point, whether you think is a fact or opinion. But to America, the Civil War was the worst war. Not just the worst, but the worst disaster to ever strike America, followed by the 9/11 attacks.

So which war really is the worst war? I wouldn't deny WWII being the worst, but other than Pearl Harbor and our treatment towards Japanese-Americans, America didn't suffer as much during WWII. But the results show that this was also the best war. Whatever WWII was to America is what the Battle of Yavin was to the Rebels in Star Wars. But on a global scale, the Civil War did no damage beyond the United States as World War II done serious damage across the world. And we're still facing the effects of the war (the United Nations, Holocaust Remembrance etc). But the Civil War is different. We may have learned our lessons about secession, but we have recovered. Plus, it's a very old war.

Now here are five reasons why World War II is better than the Civil War in America:

  1. World War II united our nation; the Civil War divided it - one of the current issues that's going on is the political polarization in the United States. Some of the events in the 21st century divided our country even further. But not once has it been as divided as it was during the Civil War. It was so bad that families were even torn apart. Some were fighting for the Union, and some were fighting for the Confederate. Going the opposite extreme, we were never as united as we were during World War II. We had opposing views on the Vietnam War, Korean War, the War in Iraq, and the war on terror, but during World War II, pretty much every American took the war very seriously, even the ones that didn't fight in the war. We were very loyal, patriotic, and one-sided. When we sent troops, everyone in the US military forces worked together as a team rather than fight each other. Even when Japan surrendered, everyone in America celebrated the victory.
  2. World War II saved our economy; the Civil War ruined it - another reason why World War II was the best war to America is the economic impact it has done. Before we got involved in the war, we were suffering a 12-year economic depression as a result of the mounting problems in the 1920's. Banks were closing, money supply was dropping, people were losing jobs and homes, and there was a lot of suffering. After the Pearl Harbor bombing, we built more factories to help support the war, which lead to more production, meaning more profit. Since the other countries are facing damage while we aren't, it basically gave us the advantage of the industrial market. The Civil War, only destroyed our economy. Crops and cities are burned, which left us a high damage cost. The South became a very poor place after the war, for over 150 years. Even farms faced the same effects of the Great Depression after the Civil War.
  3. World War II had little damage on American soil, unlike the Civil War - other than the bombings of Pearl Harbor (which was a military attack in an area that's not even admitted to the Union at the time), America didn't really take as much damage, like Europe and Asia did. In fact, we haven't had an attack on US Soil from a foreign nation since the American Revolution, until the 9/11 attack happened. So once again, the military deaths exceeded civilian deaths in the United States, but everywhere else, it was the other way around. And we know that the Civil War did serious damage to US Soil.
  4. After World War II, America became world power - throughout the entire 19th century, America was a weak nation. It was a weak nation even during the Civil War. But after World War II, America became the most powerful nation in the world. We did lose two wars since WWII, but that's because we withdrawn rather than surrendered. But have you seen the successes since the war? We got a few dictators captured and executed, we got revenge for 9/11, we saved many lives of the innocent, and we even landed on the moon. Plus, we have control of the internet. Trust me, America became this powerful since World War II.
  5. The United Nations was formed after WWII - after the Civil War ended, it took a long time to unite the nation once again (like 10 years). There was even conflict over it. After Reconstruction, the South still felt like a separate nation. After World War II, a global alliance known as the United Nations has formed, and it formed very quickly. We were able to get better contact with the rest of the world, and tried to make peace. We even got a few successes done.

And that's all over how WWII was better than the Civil War to the United States.