First video game console you bought with your own money?


Canadian at heart 💜🇨🇦
Oct 30, 2011
Blue Hybrid Violet
Purple Hybrid Rose
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Blue Hybrid Rose
Purple Violet
Cool Feather
Glam Feather
Heart Glow Wand
Blue Feather
Purple Feather
So I was wondering, just like the title says, what the first game system you ever bought was!

Mine was an indigo Gamecube. Got it back in 2013 for $35, and it came with 4 games (none of which I've ever played) and 2 controllers (one of them was partially broken though).

I really didn't have a reason to get it; I had a Wii, 2 GCN controllers, and 2 memory cards. I think it was because I just missed having one (I got a black one in 2008 and it was sold shortly after because we got a Wii). Or maybe because I liked watching the little cube roll around when I booted up the console. xDD
I bought a PS Vita my first year in college as a "wow, you're actually trying" gift. I also failed that entire semester...Ooops!
The first console I bought with my own money, was my PS4. That thing cost me around $400, as they were still brand new.
yeah A playstation. I saved all summer to get a sega saturn, but when i went to walmart they didnt have any, but they had this playstation thing that looked pretty cool. I was 14.
The upcoming switch! ahah, my dad's gonna pick it up for me during school
Probably my Xbox One? My brothers friend was selling it for ?100. I also got a PS3 for ?50 odd, but that was later on

Most of the consoles I have were gifts from Christmas.
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The first I bought myself was either a Gamecube or the original Xbox (twas the crystal one). I already had a PS2, so I didn't need to buy one.

Really can't remember which I got first, but I still have the Gamecube whilst the Xbox is pretty much the only console I had no second thoughts about selling.
I do also plan on buying a Switch with my own money, but not until I get a job when I'm in college. Probably sometime later this year.
The New Nintendo 3DS that was on sale for $100 during Black Friday

Previous consoles were either gifts or split (price and usage wise) by my older brother and I
My Pikachu 3DS XL. I didn't hesitate to run past people for it. There were only 5 per store and I had to race against resellers. :p
my wii u, it is the only console i have bought myself.
i got my wii as a christmas gift together w/ my three siblings, got my 3ds for my birthday and the rest of the consoles we have are my siblings' that i borrow or have been given after they lost interest or upgraded to a newer console