Firefox 4 Beta

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Just downloaded's great from what I've seen so far. I'd hoped they would remove the status bar that blocks part of the webpage view on laptops, but whatever.
I'm actually liking it. I dislike how the tab bar is on the top of the screen and I'm also hating how the address bar is on the bottom. Hopefully they'll have it customizable though. If not then I'm just going to keep the same version I'm currently running.
For me it's unusable. The top of the window is past the top of my screen, so I can't move it or snap it to a side. I also can't minimize, close, or see the address bar.
I finally got it sorted out. It looks good, but it still makes certain images blurry.
Muffun said:
Just downloaded's great from what I've seen so far. I'd hoped they would remove the status bar that blocks part of the webpage view on laptops, but whatever.
You can turn that off you know... You could always turn it off in all versions of Firefox, as well as many other browsers.....

It's hot. I'm lovin it.
Chris said:
Muffun said:
Just downloaded's great from what I've seen so far. I'd hoped they would remove the status bar that blocks part of the webpage view on laptops, but whatever.
You can turn that off you know... You could always turn it off in all versions of Firefox, as well as many other browsers.....

It's hot. I'm lovin it.
You can? How? That damn thing has been bugging me for so long. ;__;
You need to turn the menu bar on, and once you have done that, go under View, and uncheck "Status bar"

Also to the people complaining about tabs on top:
If you spent enough time looking around you would find that you can make the tabs go on the bottom by unchecking the "Tabs on Top" option under the customize menu (Or if you have the menu bar on, under "Toolbars"
Chris said:
You need to turn the menu bar on, and once you have done that, go under View, and uncheck "Status bar"

Also to the people complaining about tabs on top:
If you spent enough time looking around you would find that you can make the tabs go on the bottom by unchecking the "Tabs on Top" option under the customize menu (Or if you have the menu bar on, under "Toolbars"
Thanks man, I already know about the tabs on top. =D
Muffun said:
Chris said:
You need to turn the menu bar on, and once you have done that, go under View, and uncheck "Status bar"

Also to the people complaining about tabs on top:
If you spent enough time looking around you would find that you can make the tabs go on the bottom by unchecking the "Tabs on Top" option under the customize menu (Or if you have the menu bar on, under "Toolbars"
Thanks man, I already know about the tabs on top. =D
But you didn't know about how to turn the Status Bar off? o_O
Status bars annoy me in any browser, pointless things.
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