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Favorite intense game?


🔥The Spicy Prince🔥
Oct 14, 2020
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Yeah Im not talking Stardew Valley, or Ac
though I wont lie the mines in Stardew are pretty tense lol.

, im talking a horror or another game that gets you on the wdge of your seat.

Ive played many, but the award goes to Danganronpa for multiple reasons that I really cant spoil. But its intense in itself.
Others are, My Friendly Neighborhood ♡, Five Night at Freddy's, and many more

Only played 1 fnaf game and I was so on edge xD

Anyway, what about you? You into the genre, got any favorites :)
Does Stardew Valley WITHOUT min-maxing count ☠️ because I swear I was grinding so hard just to be strapped on cash and barely able to keep my farm alive every single day.

Otherwise Cuphead. I can't play games that require reaction times + hand-eye-brain coordination 😭 Beautiful art though! Just can't make it beyond the place I'm currently stuck LOL.
Does Stardew Valley WITHOUT min-maxing count ☠️ because I swear I was grinding so hard just to be strapped on cash and barely able to keep my farm alive every single day.

Otherwise Cuphead. I can't play games that require reaction times + hand-eye-brain coordination 😭 Beautiful art though! Just can't make it beyond the place I'm currently stuck LOL.
Oh so very true, Stardew can be so stressful. I think it should defintly count as intense now that ive been reminded of that part.
The one where you drive in the wrong side of the road to pass a driver who's going to slow in front of you and there's another car coming in your lane that you didn't see at first

I think it's called grand theft auto but we also call it driving with my dad
The most intense game that I have is Bastion. I played it on PC. I played it the first time on easy with perks, however I couldn't finish it the second time. I quit at the part where we basically run around and dodge a snake-creature while trying to attack it. It's quite difficult.
Intense? Horror game? Ghost Watchers was pretty intense if you play it for the first time. You get really lost if you don't know what to do and the ghost/haunts are pretty intense. The sound effects burst your eardrums, too.

Other than that, Barotrauma. I like steering the sub while everyone else attacks/explores the depths. Why? Because no way in hell are you making me go in the pitch-black water. Diamonds? Fulgurium? Yeah, idc, the game is an absolute menace if you have slight thalassophobia.
Shin Megami Tensei IV. That game was fun when I was younger, but also very creepy...
Difficulty wise: Crash 4 and Guilty Gear Rev2

CTR can be pretty hard… but I’m the kind of person who DNFs everyone online and I beat all the dev times now so idk maybe its easier for me now?!! I would say it still gets pretty intense, and I’m definitely too rusty at some tracks to breeze
I forgot Doom. TRU

not just that but love lurking the mod community, that series is just so historic n i love stuff like that
Think of the Children is a fun and very intense game as you must keep six kids from killing themselves in numerous ways such as being electrocuted by jellyfish or knocking a koala bear out of a tree which then mauls them to death. Best part is you get to create the adults and kids yourself and name them anything that you want. I made mine based off of Happy Tree Friends characters and it works really well especially when they die after getting stuck inside a grocery store freezer or getting Trapped inside a washing machine.
I'd say Hades, Don't Starve, and I suppose Splatoon? Idk what counts as an "intense" game besides souls games, which I honestly don't feel like are very intense, they're just super difficult
Does OSU count? I think osu is literally the most intense game I play. osu is rage inducing. i love osu