I would have to say Mario Kart Double dash. They are both good games, but I liked MK: DD way better.TYOSHI90 said:Which racing game did you like better?
I liked them both, but I'm not really into the Mario Kart series.TYOSHI90 said:Which racing game did you like better?
I just don't care for it really much. I don't play the game a lot, and it will just take up space. As for F-Zero, I haven't played a lot of those games.BASTOISE99 said:
It's because he plays worse... I like to play co-op with my brother,ZERO_13 said:I voted for MKD. its way better and I always win against me bro.
you'll like mario kart: dd more than f zero.SLACKER6 said:F-zero GX is cool but i have never played mario kart
it's always been a gem, hasn't it? On the SNES, on the N64, on the GBA.SPORGE27 said:Yay Mario Cart!