Empty space?


Tessa of Avarcia
Nov 23, 2013
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
I recently cut down a big fruit orchard in my town, and now I have a big empty field I am not sure what to do with.
My DA is 5700-3268-6500 if you want to see for yourself! If anyone has any suggestions or examples from their town I would love to hear! :)
One of my bff's ig has a playground that takes up a lot of space. It looks really cool. He even put hopscotch patterns on the ground. I would totally steal that idea, except I don't have the space, and it doesn't fit into my fairytale themed town. Maybe it might work for you? Sorry I didn't dream of your town though...I'll try to do that later and see if I think of something else.
One of my bff's ig has a playground that takes up a lot of space. It looks really cool. He even put hopscotch patterns on the ground. I would totally steal that idea, except I don't have the space, and it doesn't fit into my fairytale themed town. Maybe it might work for you? Sorry I didn't dream of your town though...I'll try to do that later and see if I think of something else.

Yeah that would be cool! Thanks for suggesting:) The hopscotch pattern is a really good idea, I'm thinking about putting a playground in my town:)
Yay, glad to help! And the jungle gym pwp is really fun when you have people over. They can glitch and stand inside it! :D
you can pick your favorite PWP like a fountain for example, and then put four more matching smaller PWPs at it's corners with paths going N, S, E, W to make a big huge PWP park.

Another idea is to create a park of several related PWPs like a zen garden or a hawaiian garden or a giant rose garden with bush lined beds and paths.
Put two stadium lights at the north end, and BOOM! Instant soccer field!