Do you like hacked towns or natural towns ?

New Leaf Lover <3

Weirdo <333
Apr 12, 2017
So I have seen really really cute towns that are very well done but most of them are hacked towns and I was wondering do you like natural towns that follow the regular guidelines or do you like hacked towns that have peculiar parts here and there? :confused:
Hack are attractive cause all the things players add but i prefer the natural ones because that reflect the Mayor effort.
Not a fan of hacked towns and never really supported them. Not to say they're bad, but I always thought natural towns were more impressive. I put a lot of effort into my natural town and actually feel a little sad that hacked towns seem to get more attention.
i like both types of towns as long as they're done well. people seem to put down hacked towns because they think it's easy, but it's harder than a lot of people think. it takes a lot of planning and usually consists of making lots of mistakes lol. both hacked and natural towns can end up looking terrible also, so it just depends on how players go about it. i do appreciate if players want to take their time and achieve their goals the natural way though. personally, i'm generally not a big fan of moving things where they shouldn't be or towns filled with cedar trees north and south, but people can do as they please with their game.
Hacked towns are nice but I prefer natural towns. I like seeing how much effort someone has put into their town and how creative they were with it.
i think both are pretty neat in their own ways! i really admire hacked towns because i don't personally know how to do it, lol, plus it's neat to see how people decide to set up their towns, whether it be aligning all the houses up where they can't normally go or planting trees and flowers in rivers :) it makes the possibilities seem endless in a sense, but there's also something to say about creating a town from scratch and achieving goals without the help of hacks or cheats, so to each their own!
I prefer natural towns. Hacked towns are neat in a way, but not really my thing. I just feel that, while I've heard hacking is difficult in its own way, hacked towns bypass a lot of the challenges involved in creating an impressive town while dealing with the normal limitations.
I prefer natural, hand made towns. I find so many hacked towns just look silly and I don't really see the point. Some things I can understand, such as removing rocks or adjusting stupid pwp limits, but there are things like putting the town tree in the ocean or putting bushes in the rivers that just makes no sense.
Some of the hacked towns I've seen on YouTube have been too much with way too many trees. One poor villager I saw could barely move around.

I prefer natural.
Hacked towns look alot better than natural ones 90% of the time from what I've seen. I care mostly about town looks than how the town was made.
Natural, for the primary reason that I don't like putting "stuff" on my save and 3DS.
I think I prefer natural towns overall. I've seen people do nice things in their landscaping via hacking, but most of the time they just overkill it. Seeing two fully-grown town trees on both sides of the mayor's house isn't all that appealing to me.

That said, I don't have anything against hacking per se, either. If you think you need to break the game's rules in order to fully unleash your creativity, go right ahead.
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I don't mind either way. I don't need to be impressed with the difficulty of creating something, it's all about the end result for me - creativity and inventiveness. And with hacking you can do some cool and fun things, which surprises when you're used to these specific laws of nature put in place by the game devs.
I really enjoy visiting both kinds of town at the dream suite. I started my own town over about a month ago and I find that when I go through creative dry spells, visiting these beautifully constructed towns, both hacked and natural, gives me incentive to try something new in my own town.
I like both, hacked and natural towns. I have a very natural town, but when I visit hacked towns, they just seem so stunning to me. I don't apprechiate hacked or natural towns more or less, so I don't have any problems with them, everyone should play how he wants.
I don't know how to hack and I don't want to learn either. I prefer natural towns. Nothing wrong with hacked towns, though. I know they take a lot of effort too but I prefer to see people use the game as it was originally intended.