Do you have any fears?

balloons : (
i hate it when they like pop and i have a phobia of fire alarms too because of the uncertainty whenever they will go BRRERR in your ears i guess its like an autistic thing but yeah :,)
i also hate things moving for a long time and they do not stop. its not a fear but it bothers me, distracts me and makes me twitchy. i like every spinning thing to be perfectly still. so fidget spinners you can die
also social anxiety hahahhhh
I have an irrational fear of bees and i honestly have no idea why. I get extremely terrified if there's one flying around me. If i'm around someone that thinks it's a stupid fear or has told me that they don't go around trying to sting you i generally just try to act like it doesn't bother me even though i'm completely nervous and scared. I've been told by multiple people that they don't want anything to do with you if you just leave them alone and that if you get stung it doesn't hurt for very long, but for some reason i'm still afraid of them. I have never been stung by a bee (probably because if one is flying around me i just run away) and i never plan to. I'm also scared of throwing up, probably because it feels so bad, so whenever i have feel like i have to throw up i get really scared then as well.
I'm really afraid of raccoons. I've had multiple encounters with rabid raccoons since I live in a wildlife type of area, so I know that's exactly why I'm afraid of them. There have been rabid foxes and other animals, too, but raccoons seem to be unlucky when it comes to avoiding the disease.
I'm only terrified of needles. Just the thought of them injecting some unknown substance into my veins or heaven forbid scraping against my bones or cutting a thin but deep cut into my flesh... *shivers*
I have an extremely irrational fear of throwing up. As soon as I get queasy or nauseous or feel even remotely like throwing up, I get super anxious and scared.

This. I have to talk to myself aloud to try and stave off a panic attack as that just intensifies the nausea.

And spiders. Spiders suck. I will scream if I see one.
My only reals fears are going blind or losing a limb. Sorry if that's a little dark, but nothing else really spooks me.
i'm not fond of small spaces, idk why. i can tolerate them to some degree, i won't visibly panic as long as i know i have a way out, but i definitely prefer lots of space.
too many fears to name them all. but i could name a few
-germs. the germ thing used to not be too bad but it is pretty bad now
-getting kidnapped??? like i live in a pretty safe neighbourhood and everything but idk. walking places is tiring cause i'm always scared i'm gonna get kidnapped
-for my family/ friends lives. yeah i get everyone worries about that sometimes but for me it's pretty intense

i could say more but i don't feel like it lol

I agree with that statement and I'm upset that ACNL had to make the centipede in game so detailed and then in the island escape game.

My biggest fear is being trapped in an elevator. The small dinky ones are terrifying and if they're​ squeaky, jiggle too much, I start to stress sweat. I always try to ride an elevator with someone. It's gotten bad where I'll use the stairs instead (8 stories is max) but atleast my legs are nice and toned!
I agree with that statement and I'm upset that ACNL had to make the centipede in game so detailed and then in the island escape game.

My biggest fear is being trapped in an elevator. The small dinky ones are terrifying and if they're​ squeaky, jiggle too much, I start to stress sweat. I always try to ride an elevator with someone. It's gotten bad where I'll use the stairs instead (8 stories is max) but atleast my legs are nice and toned!

oh my gosh the other day i was in an elevator and the limit was at max aND IT STARTED MAKING NOISES I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE
Just bugs and spiders in general. I always panic when I see any bug.. Start to shake and heart beat increases. I either run or hope someone else can kill it for me. Idk why its something I can't control :c