Dial-up today= Living hell


total a-hole
Jun 19, 2005
This was my dial-up speed for the day:

No joke, this is an unedited image. >_> It's like Satan's teasing me.
108 Mbps right now...

usually 162 Mbps.

*kills all your connections combined*
I feel bad for you really...

But how do these forums load? I recently replaced the banner with a JPG... less quality (that most people wouldn't notice) one. Although I really don't like JPEGs.... but I did it for you guys! =D
Well maybe the fact that you're on it a lot helps (so it's cached), because I didn't think it would load that well... but I dunno
Well forums are mostly words which are fairly simple, I could not live with dial though... I have 54 Mbps on DSL and yeah.... I would like to get some cable internet connection sometime for really extreme speed though

OddCrazyMe said:
Justin125 said:
108 Mbps right now...

usually 162 Mbps.

*kills all your connections combined*
That's cause you have super computer. :gyroidmad:
not really.
Sporge27 said:
Well forums are mostly words which are fairly simple, I could not live with dial though... I have 54 Mbps on DSL and yeah.... I would like to get some cable internet connection sometime for really extreme speed though

I have cable and I get 54mbps.
Speed test? The REAL test was getting the darn site to load. >_>

Almost hit 40 there.. so close.

Well... I'm faster than... 2% of the world. Woo hoo.