Dedication Ceremony


Retired Staff
Dec 3, 2004
Welcome everyone. This tournament has turned out better than my greatest dreams. Everyone was cooperative and very creative. I'd like to thank a few people first:

STORMTROOPER88888: Thanks for making this place storm. Your one in a million people that makes a good forum. Thanks for letting this go through too.

BULERIAS: Bul, thanks for helping me get the idea. Thanks to you and storm, I went through with making it. You guys are some of the most encouraging people I have ever met.

ZERO_13, LINKERATOR96761 & SPORGE27: You guys were great. You played your roles perfectly in the first event, and I couldn't of done it without you. Thanks for being great sages and a great mod.

PIKMIN042 & PIRANHA2: You guys did great. I couldn't of picked anyone better to compete in this fine tournament. Your both great guys. I'm glad I know you both.

BAMBAM!: Bam, you helped. If you didn't find out about this competiton, PIRANHA2 wouldn't be participating and you made it even more interesting. Thanks for that.

All TBT members: You guys are great. You guys make TBT. If we didn't have you, this place would be in the dust. Thanks for that.

On a last note before I announce the winners, I'd like to congratulate both PIRANHA2 and PIKMIN042. You did excellent. I loved reading your essays at the end. You both know one of you will win, and one will lose. I predict that you'll both make great leaders here at TBT, Nsider, and your own life. One of you will just have to take the spot as a sage. Out of all truthfulness, judging, has been one of the hardest things I have had to do. I guarentee that Bul, Storm, and everyone else who voted will concure to this. Now its time though I announce the winner...

The new winner, of the 1st TBT Sage Competition, the new sage at TBT, is...
I am 100% happy, from the very first test, I knew PIRANHA was going to win!

^_^ And I acutally can't belive I got banned for that when I ended up helping...@_@ wierd...




:) :lol:

:D :eh:

Thank you everyone


*is honored*

*feels like giving a speach*

*decides not to*

yeah... umm... im pretty shocked right now...

let me read that again...

*hopes its not a typo*


im happy
Congratulations, PIRANHA2! And congrats, PIKMIN042 as well!

I hope you are all happy with your new ranks!


P.S. -

I will change your rank back to normal tomorrow, PIKMIN.
You forgot yourslef Bastoise! Thank you so much for spending so much time on this contest!

Hows<big><big><big><big><big> ten thousand bells</big></big></big> sound?
You forgot yourslef Bastoise! Thank you so much for spending so much time on this contest!

Hows<big><big><big><big><big> ten thousand bells</big></big></big> sound? </big></big>
STORM, you have GOT to be kidding me. BASTOISE doesn't need that.

He needs <big><big><big><big><big>50,000 BELLS!!!</big></big></big>
Thanks storm! I'll take that money


This place has been my pride and Joy. Its the least I could do to give back to TBT.

Also, I've been putting together a archive. It contains the events, exact posts, and almost every aspet of the tournament itself. It'll be released by sunday.
nahh... what about <big><big><big><big><big>100,000 bells</big></big></big>?
You forgot yourslef Bastoise! Thank you so much for spending so much time on this contest!

Hows<big><big><big><big><big> ten thousand bells</big></big></big> sound? </big></big>
STORM, you have GOT to be kidding me. BASTOISE doesn't need that.

He needs <big><big><big><big><big>50,000 BELLS!!!</big></big></big> </big></big></big></big>

:wub: </big>
nahh... what about <big><big><big><big><big>100,000 bells</big></big></big>? </big></big>
STORM, how could we both be so cheap?

<big><big><big><big><big>300,000 BELLS!!!</big></big></big>
nahh... what about <big><big><big><big><big>100,000 bells</big></big></big>?</big></big>


thats some money bastoise


how does <big><big><big><big><big>1,000,000 Bells</big></big></big> sound?

nahh... what about <big><big><big><big><big>100,000 bells</big></big></big>? </big></big>
STORM, how could we both be so cheap?

<big><big><big><big><big>300,000 BELLS!!!</big></big></big> </big></big></big></big>
Don't go too crazy!</big>
BASTOISE99 said:
nahh... what about <big><big><big><big><big>100,000 bells</big></big></big>? </big></big>
STORM, how could we both be so cheap?

<big><big><big><big><big>300,000 BELLS!!!</big></big></big> </big></big></big></big>
Don't go too crazy! </big></big></big></big>
Don't worry, I'm not.

You just got your 300,000 Bells.

:p </big>
BASTOISE99 said:
Thats good for me. I can always use 300,000 bells
And I can always use infinite Bells.


*adds another trillion Bells to own Bells account* j/k
