Can you belive this guy?

You're both saying rather stupid things. He's 10 like you, right?
Hey don't listen to him, sounds like a friend I had once and now he does drugs and I never see him(except occasionally in the hallways at school)
Some people are just rude like that.
PikMino42 said:
You're both saying rather stupid things. He's 10 like you, right?
WhAt? For once in my life I gotta say this, I'm sorry if I get in trouble but SHUT UP. I AM NOT FRIGGIN 10. :mad:
SPORGE27 said:
Hey don't listen to him, sounds like a friend I had once and now he does drugs and I never see him(except occasionally in the hallways at school)
Some people are just rude like that.
Yeah, I know, hes such an immature freak. And he just sprung this up on me outa nowhere. I can't wait till school starts so I can give him a major dissing and then kick the living poo outa him.