Board Names


Co-Founder of TBT
Retired Staff
Dec 2, 2004
Vote on board names for the following -

Off Topic (new name needed)
TBT HQ (leave alone or add new name)
RP Board (new name needed)

Off Topic: The River? The Lake?

TBT HQ: Town Square? maybe...

RP Board: the only thing i can think of, is: The Basement... but thats already used

Bulerias said:
Make sure the names are AC-ish.
they are


the river (duh :p)
lake (duh2 :p)
town square- the wishing well, yet not, its the spaces around the wishing well... or we could call it, B-3 >_> totally not a chat thread >_>
Basement- i was juggleing the idea of things you do in the basement... like hold all your NES games... and most of peoples "playing" is done there.

oh, maybe you could make a second basement (like how Nsider has 2 power on's Power On, and Power On (RP) one could be about game discussion, the other, games :))
DarthGohan1 said:
BAMBAM! said:
And RP Guliveir's Tales
Gulliver's Tales is perfect! Great idea!
yeah, Gullivers Tales would actually be pretty good


maybe something else, but yes, gulliver... maybe, Gulliver games, or something... tales would work for the Fanfic part, but not the RP part as well... i dunno

PIRANHA2 said:
DarthGohan1 said:
BAMBAM! said:
And RP Guliveir's Tales
Gulliver's Tales is perfect! Great idea!
yeah, Gullivers Tales would actually be pretty good


maybe something else, but yes, gulliver... maybe, Gulliver games, or something... tales would work for the Fanfic part, but not the RP part as well... i dunno

well not for cafes but for RPs like mushroom kingdom it would.
I think a dungeon would be good for the RP board, you can make your house like a dungeon.

ummm and for off topic, why not The Beach, or The Island?
I've got some ideas...

I fully support Gulliver's Tales/Travels.
Off Topic could be Animal Island
TBT HQ could be... Acre B-3...?
Bulerias said:
I've got some ideas...

I fully support Gulliver's Tales/Travels.
Off Topic could be Animal Island
TBT HQ could be... Acre B-3...?
Yeah, these sound good to me. And, who said Train Station, that's a good idea. Or maybe make TBT HQ Town Museum.
I did Smart thanks
and for Off Topic xould be Chips Chattityer box but that would sound too much like a chat thread.
Uh, none of the names fit TBT HQ, I think... I say leave TBT HQ how it is, after some though...

RP will now be Gulliver's Tales... and Off Topic... we'll debate on that.