Giveaway blue candy giveaway!!

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I'd like to enter please! I stalked the restocks (say that 3 times fast!) and got one in my cart but when I clicked to check-out, it was gone! I'm looking for a green too so I can have the whole set :blush:
I would like to enter. I gave my lone blue candy away in a huge giveaway. I would like to have a collection again, just one red, one green one yellow. I got four reds yesterday out of pure luck. Gonna find them homes.
Please make sure to include the reason why you want to enter, otherwise you won't be entered.
I want to enter cuz blue candy's are cool and I want one so I can brag about it I guess :p
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Hello ... Please enter me ... I have no blue candy (or green lol) and I am an admitted Collectionist, so the missing blue candy is much desired, and would NOT be sold! :D
I would like a blue candy please. I do not have one in my inventory. I have tried a few times for the blue candy but only got as far as the checkout with them. Firstly, I'd like to thank Sally. for hosting this giveaway with Lau. If I win this giveaway, I wont resell it, I will keep it and be happy that I won it because I rarely win stuff. Finally, well done to anyone else who wins this candy.
I'd like to enter because I want a blue candy and green cady to complete my collection. And blue's my favourite colour
I'd like the blue candy because I don't really have that many collectibles and I think that the blue candy is the prettiest color candy. (It reminds me of cotton candy XD) Thank you for doing this! ;)
I would like to enter please! I want a blue candy because I want surprise-gifted a green candy from a generous person, and now I have 3 of the 4 candies. I didn't plan to collect them in the beginning, but I'm so close to completing the set! So that's why I want it. :)
Hi! Can I enter for a friend? If so, I would love to enter for them! :)
I would like one because I didn't manage to get any candy during October. I had joined on the last day they were being given out and I didn't have enough to get any candy
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I would like to enter for a friend (Pengutango)~ Her fav. colour is blue and candy is yummy, so ..why not. :D
Good luck to everyone entering and thank you for hosting this giveaway!
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