Beloved Mayor Emile (Chuggaaconroy) Returns to Palette

Yes! I always rewatch that series as background noise when I play, I listen to ACNL let's plays because it feels like somebody is playing with me. I'm so glad it's coming back!!
omg thanku so much i loves his playthrough and i can't wait to watch this!!
Yes! I really loved his animal crossing videos! Always played them in the background while playing my game.
oh GOSh im so excited i thought the video would just be a "lets check up on palette" but NO we get a new series i'm sooo excited this is the best thing
Oh my gosh I didn't even know he was Let's Playing this again! (Also, just as a bit of background, I still remember when I first watched his first time thru when it first came out, so I am literally so hyped for this.) I always wondered if he would come back in the form of a video, but we got even better I would think. :blush:
I should watch this. Shouldn't I?
Ooh nice. :p

Probably gonna be watching some of his playthroughs.