Balan Wonderworld

Jun 4, 2021
April Birthstone (Diamond)
White Lily
Yellow Pansy
Red Rose
Blue Hybrid Pansy
White Cosmos
White Violet
Yellow Violet
Yellow Tulip
Purple Violet
Not sure if this has been done before, but after hearing people bash on the game for so long, comparing it to Mighty No. 9 and the like, I decided to FINALLY check it out and read about the problems people had with it...and darn, I saw a lot of wasted potential.

For one thing, I adore the aesthetics and art style of the game. To me, it seems like a mix between A Hat In Time, a game I could never really get into, and NiGHTS. There's obviously a lot of production value in the cutscenes and the music is quite good. In fact, everything seems good...except the gameplay. To me, the gameplay seems like it should be part of something bigger, like a side quest or something...but not an entire game. That, and the costume collecting is just a chore.

Secondly, the lore itself is pretty interesting, but you wouldn't know that by playing the game. I checked out the accompanying novel...and the novel explains the story better than the game itself does! If the novel was a standalone piece and not related to the game, I'd think it was pretty good! It's just a shame that in order to understand the basic story of the game, you have to use a source OUTSIDE of the game.

So, yeah, I think Balan Wonderworld could've been something great, but failed. To me, good visuals can't fully make up for bad gameplay. If I'm going to get something related to it, it'll be the novel and not the game itself. It's just a shame that something so promising from such prominent figures turned out to be such a flop. What do you think of Balan Wonderworld?
Well, this is a bummer to hear... I was hoping to get the game ever since I first saw the trailer for it. It looked so cute! I didn't know there was a novel though. Maybe I'll give that a read instead! Do you think the game is worth it at a certain discount point or not even?
Well, this is a bummer to hear... I was hoping to get the game ever since I first saw the trailer for it. It looked so cute! I didn't know there was a novel though. Maybe I'll give that a read instead! Do you think the game is worth it at a certain discount point or not even?
I think that if the game were to be discounted, it would be worth picking up. The game certainly does have its redeeming qualities, and personally if it were discounted I'd probably pick it up because, like you, I found the game cute!
I think that if the game were to be discounted, it would be worth picking up. The game certainly does have its redeeming qualities, and personally if it were discounted I'd probably pick it up because, like you, I found the game cute!
Nice! I just checked and it's 50% off digitally at GameStop and on Steam right now. So, I might go for it too.
I died of happiness when I saw this game. I am such a huge NiGHTS into Dreams fan, and to see a NiGHTS into dreams game being made by creator of Sonic and funded by SE, my imagination was endless. I had the game pre-order and I bought that fancy CE. However, the more they showed gameplay, the most I started to question it. Once the demo came out, I knew the reality and refunded my purchase.

Its ashamed of what it came to be. I agree that the lore is really good! I read the book, too and I really enjoyed it. The music is also really good but I mean it came from SE lol, so I wouldn't be surprise. But, Yuji Naka already left SE, so who knows if SE will ever use the IP again. Maybe, they can use the IP again to make a smaller title. But who knows.

I really like carnival-like theme games, and I wish we had more of them.